Tsunami hits north-eastern Japan after massive quake

Just woke up to see a nuclear reactor blew up. How bad is it? Is it the same up they were worrying about last night?
Just woke up to see a nuclear reactor blew up. How bad is it? Is it the same up they were worrying about last night?

Theres no damage to the container, and levels of radiation actually fell after the explosion. So its not looking as bad as feared
Theres no damage to the container, and levels of radiation actually fell after the explosion. So its not looking as bad as feared

But, maybe the levels of radiation inside the plant fell becouse some radiation was released?
Haha OK - Thanks.

I know the basic stuff about plates moving etc. just didn't quite understand how it could move 8 feet in one go. Incredible.

Sorry mate, been a long night and thought I'd best do it as basic as possible. Essentially the earthquake is on a faultline and that seems to have increased in size enough to push the plate. If you want another truly mindblowing fact - the earthquake also seems to have moved the entire world 4 inches on its axis. Crazy stuff.
Some experts are predicting, that San Francisco is due a quake of at least 6.7 within next 30 years. Hopefully, after seeing whats happened in Japan, they'll take steps to prepare better for a scenario. They owe the population that much

is that why they made it the "gay" capital of america. Shame on you USA
is that why they made it the "gay" capital of america. Shame on you USA

And that means what exactly?

---------- Post added at 05:59 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:49 PM ----------

But, maybe the levels of radiation inside the plant fell becouse some radiation was released?

Have no idea to be honest-got that from a Japanese government source on Sky News. Don't how they sort those things out lol
defies belief someone would try to troll in this sort of situation. Obviously nothing happening in their own lives, so they revel in other peoples misery. Still, like Mike said just ignore the douche. Not worth jack
None of us can even imagine what they are going through, show some respect please :)
Japanese officials now implementing plans to distribute Iodine to residents near the reactor which had the explosion. Stuffs used pretty much to combat effects of radiation poisoning

Jesus-9,500 people unaccounted for in a Japanese town :O
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Just woke up... Anything new on the nuclear stuff? Thanks

Just whats above. Fukushima reactor blew, and theres a radiation leak, but container held. Government to distribute Iodine to residents, and now 9,500 people unaccounted for in a Japanese town (just broke)
It's quite a testament to the engineering behind these plants that the container has now survived the earthquake, tsunami and now an explosion.
It's quite a testament to the engineering behind these plants that the container has now survived the earthquake, tsunami and now an explosion.

how much longer though. Been another prelimanary 6.0 quake at Fukushima area
how much longer though. Been another prelimanary 6.0 quake at Fukushima area

It's unprecedented to have an earthquake of this size too, it shows the fear of something major with them constantly increasing the evacuation radius and shipping Iodine out too.
Hope he was infracted for being a ****. Trying to make a joke out of something where human lives have been lost. Some people are just born losers in life.
It's unprecedented to have an earthquake of this size too, it shows the fear of something major with them constantly increasing the evacuation radius and shipping Iodine out too.

Just hoping the 9,500 people missing in that town minami sanriku aren't dead. not looking good though sadly