Tsunami hits north-eastern Japan after massive quake

Awful stuff. Could've been worse, though, glad the nuclear plant didn't "really" go boom after all.

Without sounding stupid , if the nuclear plant went off would that take half of Japan with it?
The Chile quake had close to 600 fatalities, rather than "350 odd lives". Still a huge ******* difference, though.

Oh really? Sorry about that - I saw a video yesterday about it, but must have got my facts mixed up. Not trying to devalue the devastating impact of that - just that with both countries on major fault lines, they were both prepared for something like this.

Unfortunately, the magnitude of the Japanese one, combined with the Tsunami seem to have been completely unprecedented and the result is shocking.
Without sounding stupid , if the nuclear plant went off would that take half of Japan with it?

No, but there would've been a **** of a lot of contamination with a lot of repercussions. Cases of leuikemia, cancer, livestock being lost, unlivable areas....severe problems
Do they know if there are any British Citizens caught up in this?
No, but there would've been a **** of a lot of contamination with a lot of repercussions. Cases of leuikemia, cancer, livestock being lost, unlivable areas....severe problems

Like Chernobyl , just on a different scale?
Sorry for all the questions.
If we had an imminent disaster heading our way the first words out of my mouth would be...........

OH S**T I wish I had booked that holiday I always wanted.

tbh I'd just neck me last few beers/jd and spark up a ciggy and just spend what time i'd have left with my family.

---------- Post added at 08:27 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:25 PM ----------

Like Chernobyl , just on a different scale?
Sorry for all the questions.

Pretty much yeah. There'd be so many repercussions its unreal. Some of the materials have differing decay rates, but the damage done would be pretty far reaching. And once its in the soil, you have problems too. The more questions the better imo-sometimes news bulletins can make it seem complicated
This may have been posted, but:

Reuters reported that TEPCO planned to cool the leaking reactor with sea water, using Boric acid to prevent a criticality accident. The sea water would take five to ten hours to fill the reactor core, after which it would require seawater cooling for around ten days.
1602: US nuclear expert Joseph Cirincione tells CNN the full picture of what it happening at the Fukushima No. 1 reactor has yet to emerge: "The big unanswered question here is whether there's structural damage to this facility now. We saw the explosion early this morning. Are there other structural damages that may make a meltdown all but inevitable? We don't have any information from the power company on that."

Doesn't sound good, but there's so little information coming out it's hard to establish the situation.

Pretty much yeah. There'd be so many repercussions its unreal. Some of the materials have differing decay rates, but the damage done would be pretty far reaching. And once its in the soil, you have problems too. The more questions the better imo-sometimes news bulletins can make it seem complicated

The problem is that the uranium in the reactor has a half life of 4.5 billion years and releases high energy gamma photons.
1602: US nuclear expert Joseph Cirincione tells CNN the full picture of what it happening at the Fukushima No. 1 reactor has yet to emerge: "The big unanswered question here is whether there's structural damage to this facility now. We saw the explosion early this morning. Are there other structural damages that may make a meltdown all but inevitable? We don't have any information from the power company on that."

Doesn't sound good, but there's so little information coming out it's hard to establish the situation.

The problem is that the uranium in the reactor has a half life of 4.5 billion years and releases high energy gamma photons.

4.5 billion years....makes you think what would've happened to the Earth if there had've been a nuclear war between the West and Warsaw Pact forces in the cold war.
Wonder how long it will take to work out just how much damage has been done. And wether or they'll have enough courage to be honest enough to tell the general public. They've done everything right so far though by keeping in touch with the public
4.5 billion years....makes you think what would've happened to the Earth if there had've been a nuclear war between the West and Warsaw Pact forces in the cold war.
Wonder how long it will take to work out just how much damage has been done. And wether or they'll have enough courage to be honest enough to tell the general public. They've done everything right so far though by keeping in touch with the public

The radiation would be of somewhat secondary concern if there was a nuclear war. An atomic nucleus has a density of around 3 million fully grown adults. The sheer energy that is released is pure devastation as seen in Hiroshima. People would be deafened, blinded and burnt to a crisp, and even if you survive in a shelter radioactive dust would linger for miles from the blast site for days and weeks.

Even with how prepared Japan are, this is such a unique threat. An earthquake of this size, followed by the tsunami, and then this massive radioactive threat. Unbelievable.
I'm starting to get more hopeful, mainly due to the fact that after the explosion, radiation levels dropped, and the people who do have radiation sickness, have it at a very low level. Still be very unpleasant for them, but so far no civilians have been admitted to hospital. Can only be a good thing as the gaps between updates on the situation are getting longer and longer now. Looks like going to have major problems with those fires at the oil refineries though
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because i dare say there is money to be made out this disaster, japan won't have the money to rebuild so where can they borrow from? or do they then do favours for other countries?

3+ billion in USA Debt should be plenty........
I'm still astounded by how those scrapers stayed up-when you watch the footage and see them wobble like that, its just incredible. Just glad they were able to develop that sort of structural integrity for events like this. Don't even have to think how much worse it would have been if they hadnt developed it
I'm still astounded by how those scrapers stayed up-when you watch the footage and see them wobble like that, its just incredible. Just glad they were able to develop that sort of structural integrity for events like this. Don't even have to think how much worse it would have been if they hadnt developed it

Yeah, the buildings were built to wobble like that in an earthquake to move with the Earth instead of against it.
anyone else read where Japans coast moved 8 feet?

Heard about that, but not read about it. Also heard that a Japanese temple has been moved 4 foot.
Just been watching footage on Sky News, showing the water about to hit the airport. Horrifying
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I was just godsmacked watching the video footage on SkyNews these last few days. My condolences go out to all the people who have lost people in this tragedy and i hope Japan rebuild bigger and better than ever.
watching it on channel 4, flicked over quickly with the aim of goin back to the footy, but the pictures... unbelievable amounts of carnage.