UK General election 2010.

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Who do you think will win the UK general election 2010?

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yeah i do know that man, but still, the earning boundaries as a percentage are in favour of the rich, im not saying rich people dont deserve thier money, but i could be better off on benefits than i am doing my full time job, working. but im not a **** so i want to work, i dont want to be a scrounger and take benefits, sat on my **** all day doing nothing. labour have allowed the benefits system to get pretty insane tho havnt they? you must agree with me on that, when i honestly would be £21 a week better off on benefits than i am working 37.5 hrs a week on minimum wage?
benefit system reform might actually save the country a good bit of money? did anyone propose that? i didnt read any manifestos...

Well, Cameron is a planning to cut taxs for the highest earners, So he will have to make cuts. So your probaly be worse off under him.
what about the benefits system tho? wud any of the parties do the sane thing and making working more beneficial than claiming benefits rather than less?
How is Amir Khan illegal and if you support the BNP then yes you are racist.

Voting for BNP doesnt make you a racist, sure the BNP have the same ideals as the Black Panther Party of the US or the religion Islam(albeight Islam is perhaps more extreme), but one could vote for them simply because they feel more like them on most issues or simply wants the other parties to start to look upon the problems their mass-immigration policies have created and Denmark is a great example of this because one of their main governing parties are anti-immigration and have made other parties change its views on mass-immigration and Denmark is currently on their way with becoming monoculturlist again. And its a shame that brittons only alternative is loud-mouthed bullies who promotes entopluralism through legal means (which is not racism) when the problem clearly is cultural, when there is no real encouragement of assimilating or disencouragement to not assimilating you will have multiculturalism and you will have people staying Pakistani or Jugoslavian rather then adopting an english culture which clearly is a better and more favourable culture when it comes in terms of civil liberties, womens right and tolerance.
Well Lib Dems won in my school mock election getting over 50% of the vote! It proves my point that no-one in my school knows anything about politics.
Voting for BNP doesnt make you a racist, sure the BNP have the same ideals as the Black Panther Party of the US or the religion Islam(albeight Islam is perhaps more extreme), but one could vote for them simply because they feel more like them on most issues or simply wants the other parties to start to look upon the problems their mass-immigration policies have created and Denmark is a great example of this because one of their main governing parties are anti-immigration and have made other parties change its views on mass-immigration and Denmark is currently on their way with becoming monoculturlist again. And its a shame that brittons only alternative is loud-mouthed bullies who promotes entopluralism through legal means (which is not racism) when the problem clearly is cultural, when there is no real encouragement of assimilating or disencouragement to not assimilating you will have multiculturalism and you will have people staying Pakistani or Jugoslavian rather then adopting an english culture which clearly is a better and more favourable culture when it comes in terms of civil liberties, womens right and tolerance.
The BNP have the same ideals as islam?oO)
Is being monoculturist a good thing.oO)
Nothing wrong with different cultures living together.XD
Does anyone else live in a place where your vote counts for nothing? Living in the south makes it pretty much pointless even voting, as everybody is a conservative and all of the working class just don't vote.
i live in the south and lib dems won not conservatives |)
i live in the south and lib dems won not conservatives |)

Where i live in the south, it's all conservatives! there are signs everywhere about it! I feel so lonely
being a Labour supporter.. lool
All I know is that in one of our elections here in NI, the Fermanagh/South Tyrone area has already had 3 re-counts. Michelle Gildernew after the first count was 8 votes behind. Now she is 4 in front. Something not right there I suspect. Peter Robinson, First Minister, lost his seat to another fat woman who knows nothing but has the whitest teeth in the country. Actually when it all comes down to it, the winner over here is usually the person with the best smile :/
Well Lib Dems won in my school mock election getting over 50% of the vote! It proves my point that no-one in my school knows anything about politics.

Libs won in my school though


I voted Cons in school
Breaking news - results from my school mock election
Liberal Democrats - 68
Conservatives - 66
Labour - 44
Bnp - 28
Ukip - 3
and dont worry that many people dont support the bnp in my school they were just taking the p*** i was one of the labour voters :)
Talking about who won where... have you seen the map of the UK with the colours on...

i dont know whether im the only one but the Blue areas seem to cover a lot more of an advantage than the stat says...

but who cares as long as the conservatives didn't get the majority... happy days!

What i love is you look at the coloured map and basically the vast majority of England is blue except my beloved Birmingham

that stuck two fingers up to that posh oity toity ****! ^^)
Imagine your an employee do you want

1) a chav who is underskilled, doesn't work very hard and wants £8*


2) some polish guy who is skilled, hard working and wants £6

Answer 2

Think about it britain has had*

Allies such as India, Nepal ect for 100's of years and millions of lives have been lost while fighting for Britain

The black slaves in the 1800's who without them Britain would definately not be the country it is today

Chinese people who make everything for Britain

And all the other things like workers ect

Imagine if Britain had been the only country there would be*

A few car companies
No good electronics companies
No where for goods to be manufactured
The same culture
No multinational events eg world cup, olmpics ect
Loads of stuff wouldn't have even been invented*
And much more

People have done so much for Britain and you don't even let them come in to the country

If you vote bnp you are more than likely a person who is like a 4 year old who likes recieving the present but does not like returning the favour*
Imagine your an employee do you want

Imagine if Britain had been the only country there would be

Ludicrous statement, were clearly not the only country! Who has said otherwise!

A few car companies
No good electronics companies
No where for goods to be manufactured
The same culture
No multinational events eg world cup, olmpics ect
Loads of stuff wouldn't have even been invented*
And much more

You have shot yourselves in the foot with that statement,

A **** of a lot of us want to start being able manufacture again, want to be able to export more than just debt! in this country

just because foreign countries do it for dirt cheap in slums in the likes of asia doesn't make it right!

Years ago we were one of the capitals of the world for exporting goods and being at the top line of technology, we have nothing barely to call our own anymore.

I understand where your coming from... but you have took it way too far the opposite way!
Imagine your an employee do you want

1) a chav who is underskilled, doesn't work very hard and wants £8*


2) some polish guy who is skilled, hard working and wants £6

Answer 2

Think about it britain has had*

Allies such as India, Nepal ect for 100's of years and millions of lives have been lost while fighting for Britain

The black slaves in the 1800's who without them Britain would definately not be the country it is today

Chinese people who make everything for Britain

And all the other things like workers ect

Imagine if Britain had been the only country there would be*

A few car companies
No good electronics companies
No where for goods to be manufactured
The same culture
No multinational events eg world cup, olmpics ect
Loads of stuff wouldn't have even been invented*
And much more

People have done so much for Britain and you don't even let them come in to the country

If you vote bnp you are more than likely a person who is like a 4 year old who likes recieving the present but does not like returning the favour*

Haha most of that doesnt make sense, the only difference is if it was not for china we would be getting pricier but better quality manufactured goods ;)
Imagine your an employee do you want

1) a chav who is underskilled, doesn't work very hard and wants £8*


2) some polish guy who is skilled, hard working and wants £6

Answer 2

Think about it britain has had*

Allies such as India, Nepal ect for 100's of years and millions of lives have been lost while fighting for Britain

The black slaves in the 1800's who without them Britain would definately not be the country it is today

Chinese people who make everything for Britain

And all the other things like workers ect

Imagine if Britain had been the only country there would be*

A few car companies
No good electronics companies
No where for goods to be manufactured
The same culture
No multinational events eg world cup, olmpics ect
Loads of stuff wouldn't have even been invented*
And much more

People have done so much for Britain and you don't even let them come in to the country

If you vote bnp you are more than likely a person who is like a 4 year old who likes recieving the present but does not like returning the favour*

You really don't have a clue do you..
All yous English benefitting from great Scottish inventions and Celtic hospitality. Vote Celtic National Party, and kick the Anglo-Saxons and Normans out of Britain and back to Germany and Normandy! if you weren't here in Roman times, you're not welcome!
Lizard & Andy

Thank you VERY much for agreeing with me XD

with all this politics talk lately, my minds a muddle to what i actually think :$

Also I have now decided after that post ^ iv decided to stay away from it all because its so boring and iv had enough of it being everywhere, however will still show an interest from time to time
All yous English benefitting from great Scottish inventions and Celtic hospitality. Vote Celtic National Party, and kick the Anglo-Saxons and Normans out of Britain and back to Germany and Normandy! if you weren't here in Roman times, you're not welcome!

You've been watching too much Braveheart ;)