UK General election 2010.

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Who do you think will win the UK general election 2010?

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all people who wanted conservative shut have ***** taken through the mouth

that makes no sense, but that doesnt suprise me as you seem to think labour do a good job XD
im not a tory at all, im a ukip supporter. but most of all, im a labour hater. criminals as lords - mandelson. unelected people running the country - brown. banning page 3, a british institution loved by red blooded males all over the country - harman. yeah, this, along with the recession, letting the banks do what they want then saving them when they fail with OUR money, letting immigration become a huge problem, signing us up to europe, plus all the other things they did to remove the Great from Britain. Labour did a great job didnt they...XD
that makes no sense, but that doesnt suprise me as you seem to think labour do a good job XD
im not a tory at all, im a ukip supporter. but most of all, im a labour hater. criminals as lords - mandelson. unelected people running the country - brown. banning page 3, a british institution loved by red blooded males all over the country - harman. yeah, this, along with the recession, letting the banks do what they want then saving them when they fail with OUR money, letting immigration become a huge problem, signing us up to europe, plus all the other things they did to remove the Great from Britain. Labour did a great job didnt they...XD

yes they did great things well next thing i know your gunna tell me your a bnp follower
yes they did great things well next thing i know your gunna tell me your a bnp follower

ok, what great things?

bnp? erm... no ta :) i like my freinds and family and would like them to stay here :) i worry about immigration from eastern europe, mainly due to criminality problems. they are white. i dont see how i could join the bnp. you fail. :)
that makes no sense, but that doesnt suprise me as you seem to think labour do a good job XD
im not a tory at all, im a ukip supporter. but most of all, im a labour hater. criminals as lords - mandelson. unelected people running the country - brown. banning page 3, a british institution loved by red blooded males all over the country - harman. yeah, this, along with the recession, letting the banks do what they want then saving them when they fail with OUR money, letting immigration become a huge problem, signing us up to europe, plus all the other things they did to remove the Great from Britain. Labour did a great job didnt they...XD

The recession wasnt Gordon Browns fault. It was a world recession. He got us out of it. So really, you can't say he's failed with our money. Hope you're happy when Tories get in and turn this country even *******, i'd just like to remind you that the last time they were in power Britain was involved in three recessions. And they were all exclusive to Britain.
Well it will be Hung now. So Cameron wont have out right power :D
The recession wasnt Gordon Browns fault. It was a world recession. He got us out of it. So really, you can't say he's failed with our money. Hope you're happy when Tories get in and turn this country even *******, i'd just like to remind you that the last time they were in power Britain was involved in three recessions. And they were all exclusive to Britain.

left to me ukip would be in :) and i dont even like the tories, so no, i wont be happy. i just like labour even less. brown shouldnt have even been in charge automatically, we shuda had an election when blair quit. and anyways, conservaties are a different party to the 80's and before, now, same as labour. but they still both fail at running a country :) we have the proof of that :)
Watching the BNP v Asian fight was epic, funniest thing I have seen in so long, the BNP guy really ****** them up though XD I'm not a BNP supported by the way I just love watching street fights between morons.

Well a hung parliament it is, I hope it's Labour-Lib Dems because Clegg seems decent, Conservative-Lib Dems would just be horrific

that makes no sense, but that doesnt suprise me as you seem to think labour do a good job XD
im not a tory at all, im a ukip supporter. but most of all, im a labour hater. criminals as lords - mandelson. unelected people running the country - brown. banning page 3, a british institution loved by red blooded males all over the country - harman. yeah, this, along with the recession, letting the banks do what they want then saving them when they fail with OUR money, letting immigration become a huge problem, signing us up to europe, plus all the other things they did to remove the Great from Britain. Labour did a great job didnt they...XD

Fail with our money? A worldwide recession is Gordon Brown's fault? UKIP are for people even more stuck up than Conservative, at least we never have to worry about them coming into power. Labour is the way forward and lets be honest if it wasn't Brown leading then they would win by a landslide majority, Cameron and Clegg have nothing to offer other than the fact that Brown has been a 'bad' prime minister, although I'd say he's been an unfortunate one, picking up when the country was about to reach a complete meltdown, congratulations Tony Blair for getting out at the right time, you prat.

How could you want to hand over power to a tiny organization with no previous experience of running a country? They would to a terrible job, I've seen the UKIP candidates, complete snobs. I'm guessing you are rich, because there can be no other explanation.
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In my small town, all the big Employers have got polish (who dont speak english) and other non british speaking people in to work cos they accept lower money. Therefor have left alot of us jobless! Now i dont agree with "throw all immagrants out" but i say if they have been here over a year and dont speak english (Or havent even tried to learn english) then yes they shouldnt be here. Its wrong and not fair to us british citizens.

But with that said, i dont support BNP cos i dont agree with there plans but the above statement is the only thing i agree on.

Labour all the way!!!!
left to me ukip would be in :) and i dont even like the tories, so no, i wont be happy. i just like labour even less. brown shouldnt have even been in charge, we shuda had an election when blair quit. and anyways, conservaties are a different party to then now, same as labour. but they still both fail at running a country :) we have the proof of that :)

The conservatives aren't different now and they never will be. Rich for the rich, that's all they care about. Who's paying for that massive advertising campaign? Not told you that have they.

People target Brown because he was left with all the **** from when Blair ran the country - who in turn was still shovelling out the **** that Thatcher left all those years ago.
Does anyone else live in a place where your vote counts for nothing? Living in the south makes it pretty much pointless even voting, as everybody is a conservative and all of the working class just don't vote.
Does anyone else live in a place where your vote counts for nothing? Living in the south makes it pretty much pointless even voting, as everybody is a conservative and all of the working class just don't vote.

There was a 17% swing where I live for Labour haha!
The conservatives aren't different now and they never will be. Rich for the rich, that's all they care about. Who's paying for that massive advertising campaign? Not told you that have they.

People target Brown because he was left with all the **** from when Blair ran the country - who in turn was still shovelling out the **** that Thatcher left all those years ago.

oh right, so when i lost some of my wages when labour raised the tax only for the lowest earners, that clearly was focused on targeting the rich guys? and the national insurance rise will also help me as a minimum wage earner obviously. :S of course, we all know who pays for the tories campaign, its lord ashcroft ofc, everyone knows that! labours is payed for by unite and various other unions, along with thier non-dom peers. its not only the tories that have big tax avoiders giving them loads of money to campaign you know :)

this is why it would be nice if one of the smaller parties had a go :)
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oh right, so when i lost some of my wages when labour raised the tax only for the lowest earners, that clearly was focused on targeting the rich guys? of course, we all know who pays for the tories campaign, its lord ashcroft ofc, everyone knows that! labours is payed for by unite and various other unions, along with thier non-dom peers. its not only the tories that have big tax avoiders giving them loads of money to campaign you know :)

this is why it would be nice if one of the smaller parties had a go :)

I didnt suggest that because I know thats how they all operate. But saying that Gordon Brown is entirely at blame for the world recession is ridiculous.
oh right, so when i lost some of my wages when labour raised the tax only for the lowest earners, that clearly was focused on targeting the rich guys? and the national insurance rise will also help me as a minimum wage earner obviously. :S of course, we all know who pays for the tories campaign, its lord ashcroft ofc, everyone knows that! labours is payed for by unite and various other unions, along with thier non-dom peers. its not only the tories that have big tax avoiders giving them loads of money to campaign you know :)

this is why it would be nice if one of the smaller parties had a go :)

Oh is that a minimum WAge the conservatives didnt beileve it? So you are only earning that much cause of labour.

You mean a Tax that pays for schools, which you attended and hospitals you visit. Good **** that Tax, saving lifes and educating Children.
I'm getting really sick of watching this election programme on BBC now, time to turn it over?
You mean a Tax that pays for schools, which you attended and hospitals you visit. Good **** that Tax, saving lifes and educating Children.

a tax that should have been taken from the rich, seeing as labour are supposed to be for the working class, not against them. im not against tax rises generally, im against them when they affect the lowest earners and the people who can barely get by day to day, the people i could have sworn labour used to want to protect?
a tax that should have been taken from the rich, seeing as labour are supposed to be for the working class, not against them. im not against tax rises generally, im against them when they affect the lowest earners and the people who can barely get by day to day, the people i could have sworn labour used to want to protect?

I dont know if you know this but..

The more you earn the more your taxed. so working class people pay less then upper class people on tax
I dont know if you know this but..

The more you earn the more your taxed. so working class people pay less then upper class people on tax

yeah i do know that man, but still, the earning boundaries as a percentage are in favour of the rich, im not saying rich people dont deserve thier money, but i could be better off on benefits than i am doing my full time job, working. its not promoting going out and getting a job to pay tax is it? but im not a **** so i want to work, i dont want to be a scrounger and take benefits, sat on my **** all day doing nothing. labour have allowed the benefits system to get pretty insane tho havnt they? you must agree with me on that, when i honestly would be £21 a week better off on benefits than i am working 37.5 hrs a week on minimum wage?
benefit system reform might actually save the country a good bit of money? did anyone propose that? i didnt read any manifestos...
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