UK Riots

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You entirely wrong Curtis. The majority of the riots have nothing to with the shooting. Im not going write a page on long post becuase i sat here and watch the whole thing unfold, i know exactly the kind of people who took apart and why because i watched them tear down my streets.

So take your **** somewhere else, Genuinely cant believe you are arrogant enough to tell me i'm going down the daily mail route when you actually have no real idea of what it is.

And its nothing like Rodney King, so shove that notion. the brixton 81 riots were like Rodney King, every person who was in the brixton riot everywhere i live will tell you you its nothing like it

Cant even be bothered to take this further with you
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I think I posted a few pages ago that this was nothing like the 92 LA riots, and why that was.
Amazingly Cameron has criticised the police for not having enough numbers out, despite a) no one knew it would explode city wide b) london had as many officers on the street as the whole of the west midlands combined, there were no more extra officers to put out there. Unsuprisingly, Police chiefs want his head

To be honest you did kinda tempt fate by mentioning earlier that you hoped they weren't hung out to dry (sad half-hearted lol).

To be honest, it just shows how detached politicians are from reality. No one could have predicted the scale of the rioting/looting/thuggery that went on. Same old same old-instead of getting the praise they deserve, they get slammed. They don't even know the facts because they were away on holiday for a start-and it's knowledge that Boris Johnson didn't want to come back from holiday. And this select committee enquiry is just a farce. Like Clegg said, it needs more than that. The only sensible thing that they've said thus far, is banning the planned EDL march in Telford. It feels to me that the situation isn't totally safe yet. I suspect there's something still simmering under the surface.
I think I posted a few pages ago that this was nothing like the 92 LA riots, and why that was.

I get ******* wound up when people blithely assume this is similar to a race riot. its not and never had been about race
I get ******* wound up when people blithely assume this is similar to a race riot. its not and never had been about race

It's about a bunch of neds and chavs getting a new pair of trainers and a new telly.
I get ******* wound up when people blithely assume this is similar to a race riot. its not and never had been about race

Think the press are partly responsible aswell. During the riots, they cleverly edited many interviews and stories, that gave the impression some of the police were responsible, and that it was all down to the shooting, when it was so clearly obvious it wasn't. So went that went abroad, people would think "race riots! racist police!!" or "innocent man shot with fake gun!!". So I do think imo that the press should have a bit of the blame. O yeah, I want Kay Burley sacked too. That cow is a disgrace!
To be honest you did kinda tempt fate by mentioning earlier that you hoped they weren't hung out to dry (sad half-hearted lol).

To be honest, it just shows how detached politicians are from reality. No one could have predicted the scale of the rioting/looting/thuggery that went on. Same old same old-instead of getting the praise they deserve, they get slammed. They don't even know the facts because they were away on holiday for a start-and it's knowledge that Boris Johnson didn't want to come back from holiday. And this select committee enquiry is just a farce. Like Clegg said, it needs more than that. The only sensible thing that they've said thus far, is banning the planned EDL march in Telford. It feels to me that the situation isn't totally safe yet. I suspect there's something still simmering under the surface.

I know, but i didnt expect this. stunning lack of balls from him
I know, but i didnt expect this. stunning lack of balls from him

Stunning isn't the word tbh. No words can sum up the shock and disgust that coursed through me.
Think the press are partly responsible aswell. During the riots, they cleverly edited many interviews and stories, that gave the impression some of the police were responsible, and that it was all down to the shooting, when it was so clearly obvious it wasn't. So went that went abroad, people would think "race riots! racist police!!" or "innocent man shot with fake gun!!". So I do think imo that the press should have a bit of the blame. O yeah, I want Kay Burley sacked too. That cow is a disgrace!

The press, particularly Sky, were typically **** as per
The press, particularly Sky, were typically **** as per

Definately. Was a typical race to see who could find the most upset people and show "understanding and empathy", and show the most shocking footage. That's pretty much why I stuck with Talksport. No agenda or anything. Majority of the commentary was from eyewitness accounts, and people who sympathised with the looters were absolutely slaughtered. But they gave people from both sides a chance to voice opinions. Even though it pretty much became onesided extremely quickly lol
It's about a bunch of neds and chavs getting a new pair of trainers and a new telly.

It starts largely in the home, these guys (and im talking about the large number of under 18' who were in it) have little to do, and no parental control and focus, couple that with gang culture, a sense of entitlement withou wanting to put the work in, and boom: welcome to the rioters in my neighbourhood

that doesnt excuse the likes of the teaching assistant who joined in for the pure crimiinality
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Definately. Was a typical race to see who could find the most upset people and show "understanding and empathy", and show the most shocking footage. That's pretty much why I stuck with Talksport. No agenda or anything. Majority of the commentary was from eyewitness accounts, and people who sympathised with the looters were absolutely slaughtered. But they gave people from both sides a chance to voice opinions. Even though it pretty much became onesided extremely quickly lol

the news reporting utterly slanted the perspective of the situation,i mean if you listened to the interviews they didnt even know what they were "protesting" about.

"sticking it to the rich" what? by robbing your local newsagent? or burning down a hair salon?
It starts largely in the home, these guys (and im talking about the large number of under 18' who were in it) have little to do, and no parental control and focus, couple that with gang culture, a sense of entitlement withou wanting to put the work in, and boom: welcome to the rioters in my neighbourhood

that doesnt excuse the likes of the teaching assistant who joined in for the pure crimiinality

And they were taught a valuable lesson aswell. Law biding citizens pulled together to make sure they wouldn't win. Criminals will not win. However, the ones who will pay sadly, are the people who lost their livelihoods, the taxpayers, and the ones who put their lives on the line, the police. And the ones who paid the ultimate price who I hope won't be forgotten, were the ones who lost their lives. Like the Malaysian student who came to the UK to study, only to lose his life helping protect people.

And respect to that mother, who shopped her daughter to the police for taking part in the looting. To think she was a youth ambassador for the Olympic Games. Sickening.
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Scum will always be scum. I absolutely hate these ***** who are already springing up on the news who are saying:

''well we must try to understand their underlying problems, and offer them better chances and opportunities in life.''

These people seriously think that everyone deserves to be a banker, or a lawyer or a manager etc etc. I agree that everyone deserves a chance at a decent career and a quality of life, but seriously, the way these uber liberals bang on and try to defend the rioters it's like they think everyone should be in a top job. If everyone was a bank manager, who the **** is gonna pull pints down the pub, clean out toilets, sweep up chips at mcdonalds etc?

God forbid that the hard working, largely honest east europeans would take up these jobs that the youth of the UK doesn't want to do.

''Oh no, those Polish bastards are stealing British jobs from British workers....'' Does my nut in.

Society has different levels, and i'm open to class and social migration, but you still have to earn it. If someone from a deprived background really wants to better themselves, they will. They will work hard and find a way to fund any necessary schooling etc. What really gets me going is the layabout scumbag who thinks he deserves all of lifes luxuries, all the status symbols and material things handed to him on a plate, without putting in any work or effort to earn them. What gets me going even more is the ***** who try to defend them!

In reference to the start of this post, i don't think everyone who works in that type of low level service job is scum, i think the rioters are.
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Curtis, to start with it erupted in London because some scumbag was shot for waving a gun around, and could have possibly killed an innocent member of the public. It started off a general protest, then a load of hoodrats decided to join in and cause violence. Which then promoted every youth gang member to get involved. How can an 11 and 12 year old gang member be looting for political reasons? Have a word pal. It then, as described by every police force up and down the country that this has become copycat violent scenes. It wasn't to do with the blokes death in London, his own family admitted that, it was because they looked at the situation and thought they could get thousands of pounds worth of goods for free. It was the power they had over the police and the public, thinking they could get away with it? What about the 20 year old Malaysian student who looked like he was being helped up after being attacked, then robbed? I suppose that was for political correctness aswell.

The riots happened because of the scumbags in this country thought they was clever. The police have done a fine job over the last few day. The police are hitting them.. and hard!

---------- Post added at 12:04 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:01 PM ----------

I dont think you needed to understand the reasons why such a sick man, killed thousands of innocent people. Are you saying you should have asked question before killing the ******?

Again then the question you should be asking is why are there so many "hoodrats" in your society?

Can't believe you don't think we should have bothered to understand the reasons behind Al-qaeda and 9/ the world's most powerful military should go around fighting wars all over the world because of an incident we didn't want to look in to or try to understand in the least bit? What did Iraq have to do with Afghanistan or the War on Terror? Very little. But it was a country in the Middle East and that satisfied people because the general consensus was that OBL was a crazy towelhead and that we needed to go in and shoot up some more crazy towelheads.

You entirely wrong Curtis. The majority of the riots have nothing to with the shooting. Im not going write a page on long post becuase i sat here and watch the whole thing unfold, i know exactly the kind of people who took apart and why because i watched them tear down my streets.

So take your **** somewhere else, Genuinely cant believe you are arrogant enough to tell me i'm going down the daily mail route when you actually have no real idea of what it is.

And its nothing like Rodney King, so shove that notion. the brixton 81 riots were like Rodney King, every person who was in the brixton riot will tell you its nothing like it where i live will tell you.

Cant even be bothered to take this further with you

This is now the second time you basically ignored everything I wrote and tried to pin a different argument on me. I agreed that most of the rioting didn't have to do with the shooting. And from the context of what I wrote it was clear that I wasn't saying "you" were taking the daily mail route, I was using second person in the general sense. And by daily mail route, I was simply referring to the story they ran explaining why the rioting happened, which is a narrative a lot of people in the thread agree with (and one I didn't even argue against).

Obviously these aren't the same as the Rodney King riots but you can't deny the similarities: someone in a lower class neighborhood is dealt with by the police (allegedly) excessively (not saying whether or not it was justified or not, Rodney King was on drugs but the police beat him needlessly, we don't know what happened here but what seemed to **** people off is how many times he was shot) and people take to the streets and protest, which turns into looting. The similarity is that both aren't really a sign of something good. Unless one believes that rioting is part of a perfectly healthy and harmonious society.

Both incidents are very different from the Brixton '81 rioting, which was caused by the police needlessly stopping and searching hundreds of people if I remember correctly. In that case the rioting was clearly happening in response to more obvious recent political events and could possibly characterized as more "political" in nature. Whatever the case, the presence of a bunch of people running around breaking **** is clearly an indicator that something is wrong. Maybe it's too much social spending as ajt09 was suggesting, maybe it's something else. But people should at least be asking that question, and I find it odd that few people want to do that. If it's just that there are a lot of "animals" in London, which seems to be most people's answer, than the question then is why are there so many "animals" in London? If I were living in the UK right now it'd definitely be something I'd be thinking about.
I havent ignored what you have said. but frankly im not sure how you can argue something you havent particularly grown up with.

See my response to Ajt09. And see Jakes post, that pretty much sums it up. There is no major theory here.
Again then the question you should be asking is why are there so many "hoodrats" in your society?

Can't believe you don't think we should have bothered to understand the reasons behind Al-qaeda and 9/ the world's most powerful military should go around fighting wars all over the world because of an incident we didn't want to look in to or try to understand in the least bit? What did Iraq have to do with Afghanistan or the War on Terror? Very little. But it was a country in the Middle East and that satisfied people because the general consensus was that OBL was a crazy towelhead and that we needed to go in and shoot up some more crazy towelheads.

This is now the second time you basically ignored everything I wrote and tried to pin a different argument on me. I agreed that most of the rioting didn't have to do with the shooting. And from the context of what I wrote it was clear that I wasn't saying "you" were taking the daily mail route, I was using second person in the general sense. And by daily mail route, I was simply referring to the story they ran explaining why the rioting happened, which is a narrative a lot of people in the thread agree with (and one I didn't even argue against).

Obviously these aren't the same as the Rodney King riots but you can't deny the similarities: someone in a lower class neighborhood is dealt with by the police (allegedly) excessively (not saying whether or not it was justified or not, Rodney King was on drugs but the police beat him needlessly, we don't know what happened here but what seemed to **** people off is how many times he was shot) and people take to the streets and protest, which turns into looting. The similarity is that both aren't really a sign of something good. Unless one believes that rioting is part of a perfectly healthy and harmonious society.

Both incidents are very different from the Brixton '81 rioting, which was caused by the police needlessly stopping and searching hundreds of people if I remember correctly. In that case the rioting was clearly happening in response to more obvious recent political events and could possibly characterized as more "political" in nature. Whatever the case, the presence of a bunch of people running around breaking **** is clearly an indicator that something is wrong. Maybe it's too much social spending as ajt09 was suggesting, maybe it's something else. But people should at least be asking that question, and I find it odd that few people want to do that. If it's just that there are a lot of "animals" in London, which seems to be most people's answer, than the question then is why are there so many "animals" in London? If I were living in the UK right now it'd definitely be something I'd be thinking about.

I havent ignored what you have said. but frankly im not sure how you can argue something you havent particularly grown up with.

See my response to Ajt09. And see Jakes post, that pretty much sums it up. There is no major theory here.

They werent protesting, they merely saw an opportunity
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I edited my post above to include some more ranting.
You act like we are the only country in the entire world with these scumbags in? Seriously you ask the questions why are "hoodrats" in your society? Im guessing your American, only because your referred to 9/11? America is seriously bad with these type of scum aswell, gang members. Bloods and Kripz etc. So dont try and lecture us that we as a Nation are the only country with these scum bags in it.

These "hoodratz" have been in our society for generations, they was there before the recession, and they will certainly be here after its gone. No-one on this planet can say these riots was because of the recession. We have been in recession for a long period of time, not once has there been a riot of this scale before, so its obviously not the economy we now live in. Its the fact that they are weasel rats, who their parents and quite possibly themselves, are gaining benefits so they have no reason to work.
They are scum. 'Nuff said.

So, what, we ask him questions on why he killed so many people for no reason at all, and if he comes up with the right answer, let him off? Wars are a fact of life. Its the way it is unfortunately. There is never ever going to be world peace, not in our lifetime anyway. He deserved to be killed for his actions, nothing more, nothing less.
I havent ignored what you have said. but frankly im not sure how you can argue something you havent particularly grown up with.

See my response to Ajt09. And see Jakes post, that pretty much sums it up. There is no major theory here.

Well that's the thing. I haven't tried to argue that I knew what the causes were or even really posited a theory, in part because I've never been to the UK. I just said that people should be at least trying to figure out why it happened (which does NOT equate condoning the actions of the rioters, which some here are suggesting). Ajt and Jake did make an attempt, and good for them, but very few are doing that right now, which I find surprising. And in response to Jake's post, why is this happening in the UK and not elsewhere?