Sorry but the results from these tests don't mean anything. A test is supposed to replicate the original environment with as little pollutants as possible. Your test is a mockery as you have unbalanced all the player attributes.

The only attributes you should be fixing are consistency, injury, professionalism, etc.

p.s. In a proper balanced testing database the results are quite different to yours.

They are always different, the makers can never agree on a system or team or level. We get more testing leagues with different results than actual tactics this year..
They are always different, the makers can never agree on a system or team or level. We get more testing leagues with different results than actual tactics this year..

True and in hindsight I should not have added the post script. Apologies to FMSerbia.

However I still stand by my original comments that with the way the test database is unbalanced and does not simulate the actual gameplay experience.
That was what I said.

Best 4-4-2 Tactis is Date :D

Best 4-2-3-1 tactics Puskas v2 and Wrath V5 ;)
so 3 tactic with same points after so many matches dont u think something is wrong with ur test setup and u r wasting ur time?