water taste

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tap water tastes disgusting the best water i have tasted is Drench and Highling Spring
I love how people are dissing this thread yet it is actually better than 99% of the threads posted on here on a daily basis XD
I dislike all foreign water, I hate it so much I don't even have ice with my beverages.
All water is good as long as nobody has took a **** in it as far as I'm concerned
To ME, Waters Water....They all taste the same :S
I do notice tap water not tasting as nice as bottled Evain, Nestle, or Volvic. My tap water tastes like bleech compared to it
You cant beat a bit of Council Pop, and yes you are right it tastes different depending on what mountainous area the water is being drawn on. Birmingham and a lot of the west midlands is from south wales, it is very pure and pretty decent to be honest, cornwall's i have been told in the past is quite dirty and isn't filtered well.
Did u know Evian is Naive backwords. Something for u guys 2 think about
Essex tap water ***** all over the stuff in Nottingham, in both taste and filtration.
To be honest i don't get to test out the water i drink that much.

I usually have the magical formula of Robinson's Fruit & Barley accompanying it ^^)

although you can still check the clarity of the water depending how cloudy the squash is, and if a layer of white foam appears on top ;)
Now the real question is, does bottle watered taste different between companies?

My g/f swears by it and will NEVER drink aquafina....I think she's a loon.

Btw, I hate all the sheep who buy "artesian" water, if only they realized it meant that it forces itself out of the ground, they wouldn't be so into it. I guess it's the whole "Art" and palm trees look. Really just ensures that the company doesn't have to spend money pumping water.
Bottled water is a huge con in my eyes anyway, surprised people buy it on a regular basis, especially "exotic foreign" bottles from the other side of the world. Reminds me of only fools & horses where they made there own spring from a hose...
If I had money, I'd start investing in in-home water purification systems. they are becoming affordable and work, plus it helps cut down on plastic bottles.
I was told by a mate who works for a water supply company that the average glass of tap water has passed through 9 people before you drink it