Weirdest Dream

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my dreams always seem to include beautiful babes n me :) its great untill my mum shouts at and tells me its time for school:(
I'll start of by saying i was 14 and i was playing for my local team and after the match i got scouted by a LIVERPOOL scout Next thing i knew was i was walking onto anfield with all the players :D everyone kisssed the "This is Anfield" sign so i did aswell btw the match was against stoke, We we're passing it around and it came to me so i thought **** i dopnt want it, so i passed it to gerrard, but he got closed down quikly and passed it back, so i flicked it up and had a shot (this was about 40 yards out LOL :L) and it was destined for the right top corner and it went in i was screaming and running to the KOP kissing my badge while in the air it was AWESOME...

Funny thing is i dont Support Liverpool...
i was in my old flat in student halls with lots of people (though i couldn't see them, could just hear them), and me and a friend (who's quite hot) started having *** fully clothed (nothing was even out!), while we were asleep. But, it gets weirder. Suddenly my face was sprayed with blood and guess where that came from... Then i couldn't wash the blood off, so i was walked around the party, carrying the blood off as a mark of awesomeness as i'd obviously gone down on a girl on her period.

Guess who woke up touching his face.

Another was that my brother was "voodoo'd" by some fat, black witchdoctor woman. He then tried to kill me, but told him magic doesn't exist, so we went on to pick on the woman, who left, cursing us. Woke up as my dog was licking my hand to wake me up, as he must've understood i was having a nightmare.
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Maybe it's the craziest dream, but I will explain it how it was. Umm, I dreamt last night that I f****d my teacher in her **** lol, that's ridiculous, she's kinda fat, and she got big t**s. I was feeling good lol.
What i don't like in dream are the chases, when i'm chased by some one i can't run as well as te other people, WTF !

Or when you fight in a dream, i don't have the strenght, my punches are like in slow motion ! =))) LOL
Sometimes, when I dream, I meet a hot girl and when we are ready to do it, ****** ****, I feel I can't open my eyes and I can't see how to do it. Paintful. :@
What i don't like in dream are the chases, when i'm chased by some one i can't run as well as te other people, WTF !

Or when you fight in a dream, i don't have the strenght, my punches are like in slow motion ! =))) LOL

Same, even though i used to box, when i dream i can't hurt anyone!
I hate fighting in dreams, you can't hurt them and they can't hurt you, and I usually miss.. Same as running, it's in slow motion :S I used to have the same dream where I was running down a street, but I couldn't run.. I hate that sort of thing..

Does anyone find that being ill makes your dreams weirder? I always find my dreams so vivid when I'm sick, and they are always **** ones!
I hate fighting in dreams, you can't hurt them and they can't hurt you, and I usually miss.. Same as running, it's in slow motion :S I used to have the same dream where I was running down a street, but I couldn't run.. I hate that sort of thing..

Does anyone find that being ill makes your dreams weirder? I always find my dreams so vivid when I'm sick, and they are always **** ones!

i had a fever a few years ago, and i decided to read H. P. Lovecraft, aka Cthulhu stories, i.e. stories about unknown terrors, which are generally fish-humans, monstrous god-like entities or aliens. The good guys never win anyway. That produced some... interesting nightmares.
I remember a dream where I was chased by a swarm of Duracell Bunnies. They caught me and eat morning, I had a horrible pain in my stomach, where the first bunny bit me...oO)
I remember a dream where I was chased by a swarm of Duracell Bunnies. They caught me and eat morning, I had a horrible pain in my stomach, where the first bunny bit me...oO)

thats proably why you had it.

Your chances of having a dream getting hurt in a certain place increased if that place is sick, sore or if pressure if applied to it. I had a dream once where my hand got slammed in a door, but instead of bleeding or anything it went really big like a cartoon. i woke up and my hand was in pain. I probaly been laying on it whilst i slept, and that sent a message to my brain that my hand was in pain, so my brain incoparted that into my dream.
lol, last night was strange. I dreamt I became a Mod for some reason with westham1996 XD
It's not really a weird dream tbh but here goes...

Lying asleep one night, I feel this huge weight on my legs that spreads to everywhere apart from the neck upwards, I tried moving but it was useless. So in my dream I assumed I was about to be killed so I tried shouting for my parents but nothing came out of my mouth. All of a sudden something went crash and I woke up sweating like I don't what..... here's the weird part, the next week, my Mum had the exact same dream oO)
Had two really..

First one was when I was sleeping on the couch, and I dreamt that I had fallen off, and when I woke up I was on the floor! oO)

Second one was the devil captured my family and locked them in the attic, and I had to fight loads of things to save them all. Had this one like once a year for about 5 years now, really strange!
I remembered a dream where there were Protoss Zealots, a mall elevator that went up and down like an amusement park ride, and me running for my life, all at once.
My weirdest dream can be summed up in two words; Pink Elephants oO)
I had a dream that clowns where walking around with dyson hovers and sucking people up and the leader clown was Krusty from Simpsons lol