Weirdest Dream

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I have terrible dreams where I kill people occasionally. For instance, once I dashed a pound coin at a man who was working in a kebab shop in a dream and he died and I went on the run from the police in my dream. :( And once I had a dream me and another friend blew up another friend with a bomb and became terrorists.
had a dream last night that aliens came on earth, and glowing blue orbs were in the water (ponds/lakes) to feed them energy. me and my two uni friends ripped a few out. time traveled into there world....we ended up loving it more then earth...then we magically poped back on was dark we got scared, more orbs had shown up since we had ripped them out (2 left and when we came back 7 were there) my friend said "danny would you fight for your stuff?" it was dark i looked behind a patch of balloons tied to the railing of a second floor balcony (were we were standing looking down at the pond full of orbs, my PS3 was sitting up right being the balloon strings and my shoebox was sitting on the edge of the ledge (with something not knowing what it was) i must have brought "luggage" on my trip to another planet and while we were looking down toward the pond an alien/creature had opened my stuff and placed it elsewhere freaking us out...then i wake up

@daviddavid, your dreams sound awesome! wish i had them lol
Some really weird dreams here. I am actually quite worried :S
forgot to add that whole time in the air/sky i heard the sound of what a samurai sword makes when taking it out of its case...that TSCHHHING TSCHINGGGGG sound....quieter louder quieter louder....freaking me out
I had a dream last week that all of my teeth fell out so I killed all of my friends and then moved to Guernsey so I could evade tax :S
Most of my weird dreams involve jumping off buildings and cliffs, landing head first and turning into mush, then I wake up with my head in quite a bit of pain.
last night, I was swimming in some murky brown water in some south-sea island. I can't remember why I was though, and it was quite windy and wet, quite late at night. There was a massive current towards the right hand side of me, pulling trees, and stuff into it. Then I saw something move, in there, and then swam out from the current, and ended up 50m ahead of me, swimming towards me. Then I woke up with a huge headache, and sweat swimming from my forehead and chest.
This is quite coincidental cos recently I had a dream I went to prison for stealing something, stayed in there for 3 months, and my room mate was Joe Cole :S :P
I used to have reoccuring dreams that I was being chased by a dark figure through a deserted shopping centre. Had them every so often until one dream I managed to escape from the shopping centre and I never had that dream since.
I used to have reoccuring dreams that I was being chased by a dark figure through a deserted shopping centre. Had them every so often until one dream I managed to escape from the shopping centre and I never had that dream since.

sounds like you've been reading too much of my story :P
Sometimes when i close my eyes i get this thing where it feels like im falling down a lift or something. And other times i get this thing where its as if im looking down on a something from a great height then i zoom in slowly until i cant zoom no further. Its weird and hard to explain lol :(
I had a dream that I was beating The Great Khali with a saucepan......Plain weird
I'll start of by saying i was 14 and i was playing for my local team and after the match i got scouted by a LIVERPOOL scout Next thing i knew was i was walking onto anfield with all the players :D everyone kisssed the "This is Anfield" sign so i did aswell btw the match was against stoke, We we're passing it around and it came to me so i thought **** i dopnt want it, so i passed it to gerrard, but he got closed down quikly and passed it back, so i flicked it up and had a shot (this was about 40 yards out LOL :L) and it was destined for the right top corner and it went in i was screaming and running to the KOP kissing my badge while in the air it was AWESOME...

Funny thing is i dont Support Liverpool...

same here, dreamt i was playing for fulham once 0_o. we had a break away and i was one on one but i couldnt keep my balance and kept falling over. apparently falling over uncontrollebly in dreams is quite common. does it happen to anyone else?
i had a dream a few months back that i was playing football with peter crouch at stamford bridge lol
I used to dream about a ball bouncing against 2 walls, almost like the old games of ping pong on games consoles. This eventually got faster and faster, in different lines and it got bigger. Was pretty scary when I was like 8.
finally a night without a dream (good/bad). i do love trippy dreams but when you wake up they kind of freak me out. its always me getting hurt or being chased and my had always gets smashed i could dream of managing my favorite team instead or about girls....ughhhhh
I dreamt i was subbed on for David James in an England game once, i came running out and took out a defender giving away a penalty, the strange thing was me and Gerrard just walked off the pitch and went to the pub!
I once dreamt about going on a school trip to Skeggy. We got the the hotel place and Went inside and there were 20 horses and mules.There were 20 kids on the trip and we got told that we were going to ride them around for a day or so. We had a race of who could sort out there bed quickest, 1 got 1st pick of a horse etc. My mate Sam came 1st and got a huge black stallion, I came last and got a 2 foot high mule.

****** up man.
I once had a dream, well I think it was a dream, where my dad was standing in the hallway and he was just watching me. Next day my mate told me that if you see your dad just standing looking at you and not talking you've seen a ghost. oO)