What are your Pet hates?

  • Thread starter Thread starter JP Woody
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I also hate when your on a bus and this person sitting infront or behind you are wearing headphones but yet they still play it so loud that the whole bus can hear its gotta be the most annoying thing in life.

Why don't you ask them to turn it down?

People on the dole....not the people getting paid off but those who sit about all day doing hee haw

We're still friends though right? :wub:
Why don't you ask them to turn it down?

We're still friends though right? :wub:

i forgot about you. I have not decided yet. If your still jobless in a year maybe not. Unless you come see me more :( thats been over a year now lee :O
This is a good forum JP. I hate people who are too lazy to work. If you have lost your job and are trying to find one then fair enough but otherwise... I also hate waiting for 1p change and I usually compensate for it by putting it in the charity box so everybody can see I'm not cheap. I don't hate 'chavs' but I dislike intimidating gangs that you get in south East London.

To be honest I'm suprised I'm not everybody else's pet hate. It sure seems that way. By the way guys I'm sorry that I've annoyed lots of you. Nothing meant by it. I'm going to turn over a new leaf wher in which I accept admin and mods authority totally and completely.
Why don't you ask them to turn it down?

We're still friends though right? :wub:

You could lee but i wouldnt bother people these days are just attention seakers and look for arguements so i'll try and just ignore them and try stay away from any possible arguements. Ive seen a couple of people who actually did what you said lee and asked them to turn the sound down abit and guess what happened? the guy got beat up by him and two of his friends.

if you ever meet a situation like this in future just ignore it.
You could lee but i wouldnt bother people these days are just attention seakers and look for arguements so i'll try and just ignore them and try stay away from any possible arguements. Ive seen a couple of people who actually did what you said lee and asked them to turn the sound down abit and guess what happened? the guy got beat up by him and two of his friends.

if you ever meet a situation like this in future just ignore it.
exactly my uncle was stabbed on a bus in Peckham when he tried to throw some people off the bus who got on the back door.
The thing I hate most are those who cheat to win. I can handle losing no problem, I just hate those who have to bend the rules backwards to win. It sickens me
Americans who call the English language American.You ignorant ******!
yeah that is really annoying. it's not just americans either.when i was on holiday we had to go through a german airport and i noticed all the signs explaining things in english were labelled american.:@
American? american? what the **** is that.
Please dont,your creeping me out.

Alright I'm fine by that.

I don't really like suck ups ;)

And how exactly am I a suck up. I have never sucked up to anybody in my life. After upsetting everybody I thought I would be nicer to everybody but It seems I'm destined to be hated no matter what I do.
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seems to me that you dislike everything JP woody:). But now that you guys are talking about americans i hate the fact that the americans call football 'soccer' thats makes me depressed they steal our game and change the name? wow :|
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seems to me that you dislike everything JP woody. But now that you guys are talking about americans i hate the fact that the americans call football 'soccer' thats makes me depressed they steal our game and change the name? wow :|

Exactly. We made most sports and they make a ***** version of Rugby with padding. And then they have the ordasity to call it 'football'. Disgusting.
Fatshit, i didnt call you a suck up , I said I dislike them