Some updates on Civ 6:
- They're introducing sieges. If you surround a city completely, you get some sort of bonus.
- Some proper improvements on spying. Your delegates can gather gossip that brings you information on what other Civs are up to, spies get new tricks like stealing great works.
- Starts at 1 unit per tile, than goes up to 2 and 3 in later eras.
- Great people now have unique abilities and you got to directly challenge the other civs to get one
- Settlers increase in cost overtime, which should limit ICS tactics
- Culture has it's own tech tree
- You get to create your own religion and customize bonuses
This makes me 1 want to fire up civ 5 and 2 prepurchase the game, was saying to Subtle on steam the other day worse case scenario I may just get it off greenmangaming becuase they always have a 20-25% percent off code to use.
Rebought The Witcher 3, I got the game on release but it glitched on a main quest pretty early on and I couldntcontinue my save so I traded it in , rebought about a week ago and my god I forgot what an all encompassing monster of a game it is and I'm only about halfway through the game, I have also realised I spend faaaaar too much time playing gwent that needs to be a standalone game haha, Can get both DLC too for 20 pound so that is next on my list
Yeah the first forget its name is around 10 hours new content in the main questline, pretty much adds new content to the main map, blood and wine is around 20 hours content with a new location entirely iirc, 20 pound for another 30 hours content plus all the other extra stuff like gwent tournaments, new items and potions is a steal, full games dont even have that muchI haven't played the DLCs yet either, but from what I hear they're more like old-school expansions. Supposedly it's tons of new content, not just horse armor and new haircuts.
Played through Deus Ex the other day the new one, personally I mean it has moments of outright greatness, but it also has frustrating and clunky/clumsiness throughout. Controls can be soul destroying at times, and not being able to skip already scene cutscenes is a crime in this day and age. Has some great stuff and I enjoyed the story but just left me feeling a bit meh, I have traded it in for Witcher 3 GOTY edition because my copy was electronic and due to moving house I am currently a pauper with no broadband
If it's anything like the last Deus Ex the price will drop like a stone in a few weeks, i'll get it then.
Deus Ex one is still my favorite game ever. Did you ever play it?