who has got snow

am beginning to believe liverpool is the only place thats got no snow :'(

hi im in south yorkshire got about couple of inches of snow up here but more on its way :)
snowing in dublin but looks like its over now... but lucky for me college was cancelled yesterday and a marketing test i was meant to have today was cancelled :)
Yeah got loads of snow in plymouth.



I can barely open the front door from all the snow down here Dunc. Apparently we are getting some tonight though... But they have been saying that for ages..
I can barely open the front door from all the snow down here Dunc. Apparently we are getting some tonight though... But they have been saying that for ages..

Supposedly we will be getting snow towards the end of the week.

I live in hope.
snow up the top half of town

none down the bottom half just slushly ice
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for goodness sake, our school have messaged us telling us to "wrap up warm", and "wear suitible footwear." So, looks like school's on :(
my headteacher is so keen for school. During the period of snow last year, he walked about 8 miles to school in the snow when only about 2 teachers could make it and he still opened the school
North east has been pretty badly hit, there was about 15 inches (no exaggeration) on the un-walked-upon parts of Durham yesterday. Great fun!
Up to around 2-3 inches around here now, and no sign of stopping. I think it'll remain constant at 2-3 inches throughout the night really. Apparently we're due to get more soon though.
Nearly 2 foot of snow here off school since Monday and off again tomorrow, 20 cm expected during the night:D