who has got snow

Hardly anything.

Doesn't look like there is going to be any more really.
Just watched the news . 15cm wxpected to come in over the night ! :)
Nothing in London. Was a tiny bit before.
The weather forecast says that there will be light snow in the night.
Yeah man! Bit of snow in Bournemouth now and its -2 outside and I now have football. Yay.
Yeah man! Bit of snow in Bournemouth now and its -2 outside and I now have football. Yay.

Haha snow in Bournemouth and none in Liverpool! Even so, my training has been called off, and our home pitch is ****** up off the ice :(
lol at all the southern softies complaining

No. I live in London and I love snow.
I want it to snow even ******* more so school closes and then I can go out and have a snowball fight with my mate and play some FM after :)
Nope, no snow, just rain....four days solid.
We had about one inch (if not less) in Bolton :S We're set for a little rain and then heavy snow.. I just hope it sticks because i'm very childish! :P
Yeah man! Bit of snow in Bournemouth now and its -2 outside and I now have football. Yay.

Yer we had abit earlier when i was at school. Didn't settle tho. Our Headmaster has apparently said he will only close the school if it goes under -7 degrees
We had about one inch (if not less) in Bolton :S We're set for a little rain and then heavy snow.. I just hope it sticks because i'm very childish! :P

Yeah sucks in Bolton doesnt it!! I saw it was snowing last night and I was like...WOOOHOOO !! Woke up this morning and there was F**K ALL, barely a cm :'(

Hope it snows some more :D
-11'c expected for Ireland in the next few days. (Overnight of course)
Just gone outside, snow way up to my calves :(

Lol'd when my cat went outside, almost swallowed him up!
There is actually snow all around my area, just choosing not to hit my area. I hate this!!
light sprinkling today, not enough to settle, heaviest just happened to be in my biology exam this morning. all of the snow had gone by 4pm though