who has got snow

It's actually dangerous at my school, incredibly dangerous, and snow forecast for the foreseeable future here in Wimbledon, hopes are high for tomorrow :)

Do you live on a farm?
Need the slush to freeze so snow can settle on road.

Then no college = hurrah
Yeah, got snow down here. Luckily I don't have to go out at all.
Do you live on a farm?

No, we have a back garden, up to the fence, then an acre of land behind it. The other picture i posted is the view from the top of my road, the area we live in is very rural.
about 1/2 an inch in Camberley still had school today

high hopes for heavier tommorow
Last night it snowed a bit, but not much, its coming down now though in Brum

but according to the Blues website, the derby is still set to commence :) KRO!!
Yeah got loads of snow in plymouth.


some snow were i live but its not settling atm. Hopefully it will later once the first layer from last night freezes
Had a ton here in Rotherham, so far my bus didn't turn up on Monday, and college is closed for today and tomorrow! My college also gave us Friday off, so i've had a 6 day weekend, feels good!
Been around 6 inches of snow here for almost a week now, started to show signs of thawing today though, but still the occasional snow shower
I had to wait a week for it in North London, but it finally came. School was open as usual, and we had a snowball fight in the park until it ran out. I guess we had like 1/2 of an inch. lol.

A lil bit of snow, and cold, I mean very cold.
Just reading the rest of the thread now, a couple of inches closes schools in London? Pathetic southerners...
have close to 12" up here in scotland i'm just out side glasgow god knows how much there is further north.
About two feet of snow plus 4-5 meters long icicles on buildings. And -5 to -15 degrees centigrade here in Tallinn.
Luckily I've got an inset day tomorrow anyway, but doubt college would be cancelled =(
Just a couple of inches were I'm at, but being in London all the snow gets ruined by everyone walking on it so it just turns to slush..