who has got snow

Finally got some snow here. Everything is still open though :\
Just up and there's 2 foot of snow might just get the rest of the week off. Enjoy.
Off school, gosh I love the north east! :wub:
I just got the day off school/college :D Snow here went from half inch to about 4-5 inches over night and more predicted over the next 24 hours, heavily :D

Snow day = FM Day :D

Day off school , we had a day off yesterday when we had 3-4 inch of snow but overnight we have had another 4-5 inch snowfall in Sheffield.

I would upload a picture buy i have lost my thing to connect my phone to the laptop
Eastbourne got a good amount last night. Very rarely get snow here as we are sheltered by the South Downs.
Yes Swindon has got it and we might see more later apparently. Only about an inch or so at the moment.
Oh my days . Just checked the weather, heavy snow until 6 tonight ! :S
Its snowing here now, and is suppost till 6 am tommorrow :D
I hate you all, I'm doing my homework now that I didn't do last night because I thought it may snow
Snow here, had the day off yesterday due to like 2 inches,
probably have rest of the week off now as it's up to my waist and i'm 6ft.
and it's meant to snow even more later on
Off school, gosh I love the north east! :wub:
lovely isn't it, down south they get an inch and london comes to a standstill and gets 24/7 news coverage, up here we've had snow for more than a week and its over a foot and a half, but nobody could give a s**t.

Snowing really bad as I type. I spent half an hour digging my dad's car out earlier on, only for him to get stuck at the corner of our street to dig it out again. XD
Its snowing here i live in featherstone west yorkshire therer about 8-10inc and mre to ***...

Fm all day and night think i might do 24hrs straight lol..