who has got snow

I just dug my car out and it's still ******* down snow :@ I have a meeting at 6pm tonight and the roads are in bits.
just found out school is close for the rest of the week
this was my shortest school week evr
monday OFF tuesday HALF DAY rest of week OFF
Up to around 2-3 inches around here now, and no sign of stopping. I think it'll remain constant at 2-3 inches throughout the night really. Apparently we're due to get more soon though.

Well my above quote was wrong.

Overnight it grew to around 6 inches deep. Real issues with travel around here now.
Like this if your from London and you're ****** off coz you don't have snow.
I'm from Birmingham and I can say that the snow is picking up now I'm expecting no school tomorrow ;)
Liverpool : We have about a centimetre, and it is all slushy icey bollocks.
Liverpool : We have about a centimetre, and it is all slushy icey bollocks.

In the north east we have about 2 feet, i had wellies on earlier and it still never stopped the snow from going in
Refreshing the Angus Council website every now and then to see if I'm off tomorrow. There are icicles hanging from my door lol!
Was out all day and some of the snow is up to my knees, the paths are unaccesible as there is 4-5 foot of snow on them from people moving it from their drives, 20cm expected tonight.