who has got snow

4-5 inches today, stopped snowing now though but 10-20cm's meant to fall, hoping so, not feeling in the college mood. Could be a record broken tonigh in scotland with -25 to -30 degree temps expected!
****, the snow just started to stick and it stopped snowing. Got a light dusting.

Meh, I'm at the point where I have a love hate relationship with snow. I love it because it reminds me of my childhood and sometimes gives me an excuse to miss classes but I hate it that it usually doesnt snow enough to let me miss classes and it's a pain to shovel and drive through.
Off school all week! God I love snow (as long as I'm inside and don't want to go anywhere)
it should either snow so school closes or not snow at all! tired of it snowing gradually, ground gets wet so snow doesn't set, roads are so slippery and travel is a total ***.
light snow forecast from 12 at night to 6 pm tomorrow were i live. Be ****** off if my school is shut tomorrow as i only have 1 lesson and leave school at 11
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I live in Lisbon and in 2006 we had snow for the first time. Now we have it once in 3 years
Im on outskirts of Newcastle, pretty close to the airport, and currently in middle of a blizzard. Goin to be snowing til tomorrow afternoon. totally sick and tired of the stuff now. And cant get out back garden cause the gates stuck in a good few inches of snow. How much more of this dam stuff can there be for gods sake?!
My school has put up a sign on its website saying it will be open no matter what tomorrow. I'm hoping for ten feet of snow, just to teach them a ****** lesson.
R.I.P to all of those Snowmen who died fighting the Sun.
God sake, still looking at the site. Nothing. Apparently everyone who can go must go to school. All school buses are cancelled so half of pupils will not be at school. I don't know whether to skive or go to school :(
im in watford, all the surrounding areas within 10 miles have been covered with snow (about 6 inches)
and were all sitting here with nothing.
as soon as i said this, its started to snow and settle quite fast
im in watford, all the surrounding areas within 10 miles have been covered with snow (about 6 inches)
and were all sitting here with nothing.

and now its snowing :D about ****** time as well
God I hope it snows tonight.

So not looking forward to tomorrow. Please God.
My mum has full discretion whether or not to send me to school tomorrow, ofcourse everyone else is staying off. Oh wait I'm going to school :(
About knee height in places in County Durham, I hope it snows loads over night I want another day off college :D
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