who has got snow

my school is retarded it has been closed the last few days because of abit of snow and now it is even worse and they are opening tomorrow :S
School closed again tomorrow . Four days straight and looks like in will be closed Friday too.

I:wub: Snow
over 2 feet now in some places in county durham, the park outside my house has loads of untouched snow and it was above knee height and into my wellies, resulting in severely cold feet.
like how how how, we have 7cm of snow in Wimbledon, are we are the only school in the area that is ****** open :(

I could name 6 other schools in the surrounding streets, all of which are cancelled

I have a music exam today, let's hope he doesn't come in :P
Lol every school is closed except 3 within 25 minutes of me :(
The whole of the east of England has weather warnings and are off school.

Are we? No.

Its snowed enoguh about 3 inches to call school off finally they called it off
Doesn't it always happen to be us? And EVERYBODY else except US is off school. FML.
Finally we got some snow. The ****** school says its up to us to decide if it safe enough to go to school. I WONDER WHAT I WILL SAY.....Defo not safe enough for my likings :)
Damnit I can't find my maths stuff because I thought school would be closed. Fortunately I don't need it as unfortunately I have a general paper which I shouldn't be sitting as I was 1 of 2 in a class of 30 who got a 1!
alot of snow where I am but the schools website hasnt been updated hoping im off again :)
Got to go to school for half a day, whats the point ?
Well, here in Aus, at 8PM, it is a very comfortable 22°C :P
And snow does it for the third day running, no school for me.