Maybe I've got carried away a bit far into where my knowledge isn't so great now, but still, my first post in this thread that you agreed with is my true thoughts. Since you agree with that on some level, agree to disagree?
Heh, agreed mate

Maybe I've got carried away a bit far into where my knowledge isn't so great now, but still, my first post in this thread that you agreed with is my true thoughts. Since you agree with that on some level, agree to disagree?
Really? I'll tell, but you have to promise you'll listen to'em.
Zeminem: Love the way you Lie, I'm not afraid (as long as the rest of his latest album). Sad lyric, kick-*** chorus, kick-*** beat (his beats are better than his singing nowadays) and voilá! A song for emo's.
Motivation: Walk in New York by Onyx, Torture Papers by AOTP, Smart Went Crazy by Atmosphere
The list goes on![]()
LOL How could Eminem not sell out?
I presume you're joking.
One of my favourite ever rap tunes.
Enimen is by far the best, hes lyrical flow is ubelieveble and lyrics he actually says relates to the song, nowadays most songs has stupid lyrics not even realting to the puropse of the song, even with enimen when he done stupid songs he still did funny lyrics to go with it. and the lyrics in his songs actually to realte to some people feelings as one point, nearly everyone feelings can realte to a enimen song, there so deep and all linked to his background and how he is and what has made him to become this big, he has one of the hardest life in the rap industry and he overcome that and now riding on top. he is by far the best in the rap industry, no matter who, weezy,drake etc...They all want to work with enimen because they know hes the best.
But the best ones have to be Lil Wayne, Enimen, Drake.
Im a big fan of lupe fiasco, very good rap artist with sick beats.
Best producer by far is Dr.Dre, musical genius.
Black and yellow is good, but if wiz khalifa wants to be a succes in the rap indusrty and get top backing from top artist, he has to follow it up with more great songs - althought his alubm is amazing!
Liking this a lot at the moment.
Listen to Slick Rick if you want a true british rapper.