Who's going to Uni next year?

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That's really cool, I need to make a decision on which Uni I will go for as I have offers from Royal Holloway, Portsmouth, Oxford Brookes, Winchester and Warwick to do Sociology, Anthropology and Criminology. I plan to either go down the routes of Teaching, Journalism, Market Research or Social Care however my degree is pretty broad and I would need to do a Masters and possibly phD to get a really highly placed job in these types of professions.
Sounds fun! XD

Celestial Mechanics in the 4th year. Maths stealing Physics concepts again I see. :D

What're they like eh! Although I dare say Physics involves using Maths ever so slightly :P
What're they like eh! Although I dare say Physics involves using Maths ever so slightly :P

Maths is the slave of Physics, it gives it a purpose in the real world. Therefore, Physics > Maths. :P I think we've strayed slightly off topic. (6)
Maths is the slave of Physics, it gives it a purpose in the real world. Therefore, Physics > Maths. :P I think we've strayed slightly off topic. (6)

We can claim it's on topic, as it's what we're going to uni to do (A) And Maths is obviously superior, as without it, Physics would be nowhere!
We can claim it's on topic, as it's what we're going to uni to do (A) And Maths is obviously superior, as without it, Physics would be nowhere!

Yes but Maths would be redundant without Physics without no way to express itself in the real world, so it may as well not exist, so Physics is superior!

Also, Maths is more boring since there are no real world phenomena to talk about. (H)
Yes but Maths would be redundant without Physics without no way to express itself in the real world, so it may as well not exist, so Physics is superior!

Also, Maths is more boring since there are no real world phenomena to talk about. (H)

I got confused with the two "without"s and a "no" in the first sentence! Too many negatives for my poor brain.

Physics is not the only way that Maths can express itself in the world. Finance, modelling, design and statistics are all examples of expressing Maths without using Physics. So there :P And I still stick by my "Physics is nothing without Maths" statement (H)
I got confused with the two "without"s and a "no" in the first sentence! Too many negatives for my poor brain.

Physics is not the only way that Maths can express itself in the world. Finance, modelling, design and statistics are all examples of expressing Maths without using Physics. So there :P And I still stick by my "Physics is nothing without Maths" statement (H)

Yeah, typo with the second "without". :P

Yes but most of those need Physics anyway, since Physics is the expression of the laws that govern the whole universe!

And Physics can exist without Maths, many experiments have been done without the aid of Maths that have led to discoveries. (H)
Yeah, typo with the second "without". :P

Yes but most of those need Physics anyway, since Physics is the expression of the laws that govern the whole universe!

And Physics can exist without Maths, many experiments have been done without the aid of Maths that have led to discoveries. (H)

Well if we're defining Physics by that then there isn't really much to say, if everything in the universe is defined by the laws of Physics!

I think it's safe to say both subjects would be severely limited without the other one.
Just finished my Biomedical Science degree planning on doing my masters if I don't get onto the graduate trainee program and boost my CV with an additional qualification and work experience in the relevant area :)
Just finished my Biomedical Science degree planning on doing my masters if I don't get onto the graduate trainee program and boost my CV with an additional qualification and work experience in the relevant area :)
What do you plan on doing with Biology. My neighbour just did his course at Stonybrook in New York and he has no idea what hes gonna do with it.
What do you plan on doing with Biology. My neighbour just did his course at Stonybrook in New York and he has no idea what hes gonna do with it.
Well I am planning on working as a clinical scientist with a specialism in microbiology but my course is accredited by the Health Professions Council so I just need to work in a lab as a trainee for a year to get accredited. Depends on whether your friend's course is accepted by the HPC, if he wants a career in the scientific field with the NHS then he may need to send them the list of modules he did and if he may need to do a top up course.

If he is not interested in the field then I don't see why he can't apply to general businesses etc many degrees are not done specifically for a job and Biology is a tough subject so I don't see why he can't apply to anything he wants.
im at uni in huddersfield studying advertising design in my first year atm, for anyone contemplating it dont rush into it, but i would definately recommend going - it changes you as a person COMPLETELY.

it makes you be a LOT more mature and forces you to grow up fast and prepare yourself for the proper world, but you obviously get time to p*ss about and sleep a lot in the process.

on the subject of people who are deffo going - i know youve probably heard it all before but make sure you manage your time efficiently, i cant stress it enough being here myself, especially if your coursework is anything portfolio related.

over the last 5 weeks for mondays lectures ive had to do:

make notes on every lecture
week 1 - 14 pages in a sketchbook
week 2 - 7 pages + 3xa1 sheets of rough work
week 3 - 24 pages (across 4 exercises) + rough work for each exercise
week 4 - 14 pages (across 2 exercises) + rough work for both
week 5 - 7 pages + rough work

we then had a reading week (or day, we only got the monday off lol)

this week i started another 5 week project to do with layout design (the above was all typography work, practical not digital)

wednesday lectures:
3 weeks of illustrator
3 weeks of photoshop
^^^^^ notes for the above
an indesign file with 4-5 a3 pages of research, eperimentation of different techniques in the programs, and a final piece using X amount of X image in each ( works out at around 10-15 A3 pages per program

and im starting 3 weeks of flash tormorrow, then ill have 3 weeks of indesign with the same sort of thing to do

fridays lectures are my contextual studies lectures and i have to make regular blog posts doing reviews on art/graphics, finding visuals in response to reading materials given to us, with explanations of why we chose the images. and occasionally we'll get guest lecturs of designers which we normally have to write up to 1,000 words on, on top of the blog posts.

the final coursework for this project is a 1,500 word essay on a piece of art/graphics/photography of our choice.

as you can tell, slack for a few days or a week or so and you fall very far behind and have a lot of catching up to do! balancing time is key at uni, learn it quick

and yes, im only in monday wednesday friday - but as you can see above i have enough work to keep me busy every second i have spare.

and as you may or may not know your first year doesnt count to your final year grade (you just need to pass the first year to progress) - my advice to people is to actually try and see what you get - the way i see it is if you mess around and just aim for passes to progress then youre never gonna know how much effort you need to put in to your second year where it counts - you get no "hand backs" like in college to redo work to a higher standard, its hand it in, get your grade and thats that. if you fail it you get a week or something to get it up to scratch but you can only get a 40% on it (a D-)

im assuming it works like this at all unis...?

when i was looking i looked at leeds met, uclan, sheffield hallam, huddersfield and stoke.

sheffield and huddersfield were the only two that when i went to the open day/interview i instantly thought (i love it) - the rest of them were nice but youll know straight away if you want to go to a place after youve looked around properly, i actually cancelled my last interview (stoke) after i got my offer from huddersfield i loved it that much here, and i still do.

and for anyone not sure on what course to take go speak to people (staff AND students) at the open days, speak to your college/school tutors, just speak to everyone relevant (yes, your parents too) and make sure you have a good look through the prospectuses, and dont make any knee-jerk decisions (saying that, dont spend forever either...)

some people might disagree with stuff that ive said but at the end of the day this is my opinion, i came to uni a year later so i might be a bit more mature than some anyway (i have noticed that with some of the people i live with at accommodation) - but take what you like out of it :)

EDIT: holy essay batman.
Currently in my 2nd year at the University of Sheffield studying management.
Applied late, but just got a conditional offer for King's. Woo! :D