Who's going to Uni next year?

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i got an e-mail the other day from one of the uni's i've applied to saying merry christmas.
rather they sent me back an offer tbh...
Oh ye those of you out there applying to UCAS as we speak, don't expect too much of them, for some of you they will be efficient and helpful and what's necessary to get you to a uni, although some of you will have a right game with them!!

i got messed around big time when i applied.
I'm at Huddersfield, doing chemistry. I wouldn't call it a top university, but its got a good record for getting jobs for its graduates. I'm in my third year, but on a placement, which basically means i work for a year and do the odd bit of coursework every few months, then do a normal final year. Because of the experience in working i gain, it'll help me get a job when i graduate.

And it was only 240 points to get in, but that's probably increased since
Don't be nervous yet, UCAS shuts from tomorrow 'til about the 5th of Jan. :)

Got a conditional offer from Imperial, they want A1 A1 A so that's not looking too promising. ****** the Cambridge interview up something awful so doubt I'll get an offer. Hoping to go to Edinburgh, so it would be nice if they gave me a cheeky wee unconditional soon...

Well done. WIth your 5 A's I am sure you will get an unconditional for Edinburgh.

Those applying for Uni this year, don't worry if you don't get an offer from your first choice. I had offers from some of the best uni's in Britain but decided to stay at home. I am happy I did, much easier and I have a good job now.
People applying all got their applications in now?

Rejected from Cambridge yesterday, not too bothered though. Was a long shot to be honest.

Hopefully I'll get a few responses in the next few weeks after the deadline. Does mean I'll have to do some work for my prelims though, as I don't know what I'll need yet.
People applying all got their applications in now?

Rejected from Cambridge yesterday, not too bothered though. Was a long shot to be honest.

Hopefully I'll get a few responses in the next few weeks after the deadline. Does mean I'll have to do some work for my prelims though, as I don't know what I'll need yet.

Got 1 more university to make a decision but its my least favourite of the 5 so I don't care about the outcome.
At Bath 1st year doing Maths XD kind of wish I did something more financial, as Maths is not numbers any more, it's the greek alphabet

Oh and for anyone waiting, I got my last offer in April, so good luck ;)
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Not really worrying about stuff like this yet as i'm only in Year 9 but on course to do pretty well in my GCSE things , so i'll be looking to aim as high as possible when I apply.
I am. So far got replies from Portsmouth, Brighton and Bournemouth.
Halfway through what was meant to be a year of work, looking more likely to be a year of the dole though :'( I Used to be able to get jobs easily, **** all luck last 7 months.

Already done my interview, got my offer and accepted my place at Teesside starting Sept-ish.
Halfway through what was meant to be a year of work, looking more likely to be a year of the dole though :'( I Used to be able to get jobs easily, **** all luck last 7 months.

Already done my interview, got my offer and accepted my place at Teesside starting Sept-ish.

That's really ****, where were you hoping to get a job?
Thought I'd bump this as most offers should be coming through now. Have people decided where they're going to university yet? And what to study?
At University of Strathclyde, first year studying Physics. Such a ******* laugh. Especially when, during a class test, all you hear after a while is Death Metal Screaming from a guy who hadn't turned his phone off. Lecturer laughed at it. **** yeah. ^^
if its business your wanting,

strathclyde business school is one of the best your gonna get into, its internationally renound for business degree's and its cheap as its in glasgow aswell :p

That's were I'm off to in September :D
Signed for my house in Middlesbrough today. Third time lucky, getting 6 people together to go sign was harder than it should have been.
Got a Uni trip to Cardiff sometime next month. We can either explore campus or the shopping center... XD

Would like to go to Uni, although I can't afford, definitely not clever enough for it!
Taking a gap year and will hopefully be applying for Physics next year. :)
I'm staying in Glasgow or round about to do Aeronautical Engineering at a Master's Degree.

Might go to Heriot Watt it's really good for engineering and it's only outside Edinburgh so I can get the train to Glasgow don't want to dingy my mates