WWE Thread

i'vw read HHH is comin back.it will be cena some one from nexus and HHH in the ring last and HHH to win
Wade Barrett will definitely not win it, as he will be facing The Undertaker at WrestleMania, to carry on from Nexus helping Kane bury him alive..

Cena will probably face CM Punk at WrestleMania, leaving Orton to face Miz and Rumble Winner to face Edge.
Do they give the storylines away before the fights happen now?

Usually leaks from the WWE, but they seem to stop most leaks before they happen....TNA however....well, there's always leaks coming out of Orlando
It was okay nothing to special defiantly not worth £15.
I woke up in time for School, put my uniform on and then said f**k it and went back to sleep :S

Dont read the spoiler if you intend on watching it

Cant believe Del rio won it, kinda ****** off, he is a very boring wrestler and adds nothing to the WWE.
Hornswaggle <3 <3
whats with wrestlers that wrestled earlier being in the rumble?alright orton had a part to play but zigler was just through in for no reason :S
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Was watching Ultimate Warrior videos. I think it was "Downfall of Ultimate warrior", God he was beast and the best wrestler i have ever seen.. He was the one who started all the crazy moves and his entrance music was the best. The way he entered the ring, never ever walked to the ring.. Best Ever..
Was watching Ultimate Warrior videos. I think it was "Downfall of Ultimate warrior", God he was beast and the best wrestler i have ever seen.. He was the one who started all the crazy moves and his entrance music was the best. The way he entered the ring, never ever walked to the ring.. Best Ever..

Almost unviversally considered one of the worst haha. Had about 3 moves! Entrance and energy was somthing else though! His interviews were mental, just screamed *****. Did well for the time he was at the top, credits due to a bloke who can be up there with Hogans popularity

(and I did like him as a kid)
Watching the Rock last night made me feel like I was 10 years old again. He came back, got a great pop from the crowd, was excellent on the mic and funny as **** as usual.
I've not enjoyed any of WWE's programming that much since Ric Flairs last match
Almost unviversally considered one of the worst haha. Had about 3 moves! Entrance and energy was somthing else though! His interviews were mental, just screamed *****. Did well for the time he was at the top, credits due to a bloke who can be up there with Hogans popularity

(and I did like him as a kid)

You mean he is the worst wrestler or his entrance was?

He is a ******* beast and one of my all time favs. He was on other planet when it comes to energy. Just Wow. I liked him a lot.

Yeah his interviews were mental, and do you expect decent interviews in wrestling? ;)

Scripted and spouts whatever they are told to..
You mean he is the worst wrestler or his entrance was?

He is a ******* beast and one of my all time favs. He was on other planet when it comes to energy. Just Wow. I liked him a lot.

Yeah his interviews were mental, and do you expect decent interviews in wrestling? ;)

Scripted and spouts whatever they are told to..

The Rock had the best interviews ever, his were decent, just look at him last night on Raw, he was amazing on the mic even still
Omg can't believe The Rock has actually returned! Haha!
If you smeeeeeeeeeellllllllllllllll!!!!! What the rock! Is cooooooooooookin!!!