WWE Thread

just seen raw and am so glad the rock has come back to the wwe things might just be better now cena get ready

all so look up wwe allstars looks sweet
The little kids i am sure they wouldnt and i hope they dont , because the freaking KIDS made WWE how it is nowadays, i hope The Rock can change WWE. And from what i know The Rock will be on Raw, i hope he doesnt leave after WM
Crowd went nuts when his music played :D

Gotta love it. Although it's all scripted, still makes some good watching at times.
Watching the Rock last night made me feel like I was 10 years old again.

I know exactly what you mean, although I was more like 15, 16 when he was last there. He said that he's never gonna go away again or something to that extent so hopefully we will be seeing him on a more permanent basis, fingers crossed. I think he single handedly makes the wrestling worth watching.

That moment when it goes dark and all you hear is "If You Smelllll" is just amazing keep watching it over and over, quite sad i know though haha.
Finallly, The Rock has come back to WWE!
I know exactly what you mean, although I was more like 15, 16 when he was last there. He said that he's never gonna go away again or something to that extent so hopefully we will be seeing him on a more permanent basis, fingers crossed. I think he single handedly makes the wrestling worth watching.

That moment when it goes dark and all you hear is "If You Smelllll" is just amazing keep watching it over and over, quite sad i know though haha.

Lol I was slightly younger, but I agree with you entirely :P
Decided to start watching again as the one and only is back, half the kids wont know who he is! They even let him say *** the first time hes that good.
edit: Has Cena turned bad?
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cant wiat for the rock to start layin the smack down can u smelllllllllllllll what the rock is cooking:D
How ever much I love the Rock, and I do, I reaaaallly do, WWE is just too PG these days to be interesting for me.

Bring back the days of the Kurt Angle v Shane McMahon street fight please.
The Rock said Mother ****** AHAHAHAH! I bet all the kids were like "OMG :O"
The moment when his music explodes is just the best feeling ever! I think I'm gonna watch on a more regular basis again now!

:wub: The Rock
The Rock said Mother ****** AHAHAHAH! I bet all the kids were like "OMG :O"

No he didn't.. It's a PG show. He won't be allowed to. He got away with saying *** a lot.

Next week UnderTaker returns, but they left a lot open this week.

Who was the woman that came out of the limousine? What did the anonymous GM's E-Mail say?
Only the Rock can give a 20 minute speech and make every second of it amazing :wub:
THE ROCK IS BACK.... Hate how it cena he targeting tho :/

i mean i know its scripted but two of my fave one's haha