WWE Thread

Scripted, but hard as ****. Gotta trust the guy powerbombing you. If he gets it wrong you get a broken neck.

I dont watch it now but it annoys me when people say "its fake and acted"

Yeah the results are known before, but its entertainment. Same as some people watch Eastenders - scripted but they somehow dont mind that! Its a **** load harder to wrestle than act in Eastenders.... although alot of wrestlers would do a better job on the show than many of the regular cast!!
I love TNA. I dont care what anyone says. Better than WWE to watch before The Rock came back. WWE in the PG era has been almost unbearable to watch
TNA was good for a while, the Ultimate X matches are great. But storylines are so weak, everytime I watch it it's just every main eventer in 2 different alliances fighting it out.
TNA was excellent a couple of years ago, some of the Angle-Samoa Joe matches are absolute classics
Too many old guys in it now
JR just made wrestling so much exicting how he exaggerated over finishers!!


SWEET CHIN MUSIC. Triple H V. Undertaker at WM27! - What a match thats going 2 be.
I love how they've got all these new up and comers and yet they still have to look to the legends of the company to put on the main event for Mania, HHH isn't as good a wrestler as HBK technically imo, it won't beat WM25 but it's gonna be a great way to end HHH's career anyway.
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bdNIk0WV3s4"]YouTube - The Top Ten Moves of Mistico[/ame]

Have you guys seen the new wrestler the wwe have signed his name is Mistico but in the wwe he is going to be call Sin Cara

He looks sick