XeNoN's 4-2-4 (4-2-2-2)

  • Thread starter Thread starter XeNoNF50
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Glad your all liking this tactic still! Yeah you can do if you want Anesthetize.
There it is. Basically same tactic with some minor tweaks. More defensive backs, lower pressure for defenders with weaker capacity, and seems overall safer. Adjustments to creative freedom all over the board, and more rigid instructions for the two strikers. It no longer requires them to be "smart", merely to be pacey and good at shooting.I cba to get SS for my different games so you're just gonna have to take my word for it and try it out. Same player attributes required as main tactic, but I can't stress how important some pace is for your defenders.

Edit: Updated with 2 SS and chose the right tactic, since I think I uploaded the wrong tactic.
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There it is. Basically same tactic with some minor tweaks. More defensive backs, lower pressure for defenders with weaker capacity, and seems overall safer. Adjustments to creative freedom all over the board, and more rigid instructions for the two strikers. It no longer requires them to be "smart", merely to be pacey and good at shooting.

I cba to get SS for my different games so you're just gonna have to take my word for it and try it out. Same player attributes required as main tactic, but I can't stress how important some pace is for your defenders.
Can i be rude and just ask for one screenshot at your current game? Just want to see hvor many goals you let in :)
is it just me or does everybody have this on the tactic does your right sided striker always do much better than your left sided striker. in my first season adebayor was on the right and got over 50 goals. doumbia on the left and he got just under 20
Have had great success with this now over a number of season with a whole range of teams i.e Burnley,West Ham, Nigeria, Man Utd, Swindon and my current save Fleetwood! Man who stood out the most for me so far is Burnleys Jay Rodriguez, my god this man scores alot of goals!!! 40 + goals in championship, then 1st season in premiership got me into Europe, Legend!!! A tip for everyone else i used Koflok's advice with team talks & works so much better than assistant manager!!
This tactic worked for me about a half season then i leaked waaay to many goals :( dont know what happended
oh and the above link put some malware on my laptop which tried takng over my laptop.
hi used your tactic when it was only the default patch, worked absalute wonders for me, made everton basicly the best team in europe... but i have been now using it with the 12.2 patch and its not doing so well, have you got a new version for the 12.2 patch?????

cheers :D
There it is. Basically same tactic with some minor tweaks. More defensive backs, lower pressure for defenders with weaker capacity, and seems overall safer. Adjustments to creative freedom all over the board, and more rigid instructions for the two strikers. It no longer requires them to be "smart", merely to be pacey and good at shooting.I cba to get SS for my different games so you're just gonna have to take my word for it and try it out. Same player attributes required as main tactic, but I can't stress how important some pace is for your defenders.

Edit: Updated with 2 SS and chose the right tactic, since I think I uploaded the wrong tactic.
This tactic is by fare the best tactic i have ever tried.. thx mate for uploading it.