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2.4 GB
Tactic that seems to be doing quite well.
Confuse the defensive AI with a Shadow Striker and a False 9
High press 4-3-3 with scoring inside forwards
Positive 5212 WB P
Positive 5212 WB FM20 with 20-21 squads
Used as secondary tactic against 2 FW teams, won 3 league titles and a German Quad with Dortmund
Positive 442 Diamond WB P
Positive 442 Diamond WB FM20 (using updated rosters for 20-21 season)
Won German quad and 3 consecutive league titles with Dortmund
Great for those with poor full back performances
Jönasball 4-4-2 S
Fantastic tactic, developed with Everton and Schalke. Goals galore, defensively sound.
Howitzer Party 2021-01-30
Unique, attacking, goal scoring tactic for FM21
for example Liverpool 104p and CL, PSG 103p, Leipzig BL and CL
Overloading Diamond L
Overloading Diamond 2021-01-30
Tactic designed to outnumber opposition in attacking phases
My youth football coach's philosophy implemented into FM xD
A plug-and-play tactic giving a balance between a 4-2-3-1 and 4-3-3 DM Wide.
Fresh One Cooking K
Fresh One Cooking 21.2.2-1503138
Solid defensively, good goals.
FM21 Ultra-Realistic Regen Staff Facepack CypherX3
A facepack of 50 realistic faces for your FM staff regens. Multiple ages, ethnicities and genders.
Titch's Millwall 4-3-3 DM WIDE WITH SET PIECES T
I discovered this tactic at millwall thus the name
4-3-3 Strikers W
Possession football with 3 strikers.
A tactic that i enjoyed a lot because it involves interesting position like libero and f9.
Used this tactic with FC Metz over 4 seasons and have secured consistent European qualification.