Should i use original tactic in home and away same like original tactic mentality ? or should i use home and away different's
Should i use original tactic in home and away same like original tactic mentality ? or should i use home and away different's

It depends. I hope you try variable ways
Should i use original tactic in home and away same like original tactic mentality ? or should i use home and away different's

As you can see on the previous page I've tried control away from home and scored 6 but I need to test it some more. I have 2 away games coming right now so we'll see...

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2/2 :D

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Really impressed with our last 3 games away from home with control mentality !

Must try !
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As you can see on the previous page I've tried control away from home and scored 6 but I need to test it some more. I have 2 away games coming right now so we'll see...

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EDIT n°2

2/2 :D

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Really impressed with our last 3 games away from home with control mentality !

Must try !

Okay i will try mate use control in away games , but in home games use standard or what ? :D :D
Just made comparison of the two players with Icardi - we are talking +/- 2-3 skill difference for required position.
How are your two DLF R / L performing?

Belloti is not suitable at all i would say. He is more of a complete forward type of player. Look at players who are either IFs or False 9s. Barbosa, Clough, Luan, Lincoln. Those types of players
Thought I would just share my tips on team talks and in-game shouts or whatever they are called.

As with Fm15 squad morale is extremely important. When people usually try a tactic, and experience a lot of success but then all of a sudden have a very strong dip in form, they usually say stuff like "the AI figured it out" or "stops working after half a season, **** tactic". This is very rarely the case (SI has even stated that the AI doesnt 'learn' tactics). This is usually because you have one match where you don't win, you then get a slight drop in morale and treat it poorly.

How i do my team talks:
I aim to have everyone green both at the start of the match and at half time but never with the "Looks delighted" reaction. Before a match I either say 'Assertive': "I expect a win" or "keep up the good work bla bla" if my assistant suggests it. This will usually give a few of the players "Looking Motivated" which is the best reaction in my experience. Then, on the players who have not reacted, I say 'Assertive': "Have faith". This will either give them "Looks Happy", "Looking Motivated" or "Gained Confidence". This usually leaves me with around 8/11 in green. For the duration of the game

Half time:
At half time the team talks depend on the current score of course. If behind or drawing i always say 'Assertive': "Expect more" and then say 'Assertive':"Have faith" to all players individually (you can use the 'Defenders', 'Midfielders' and 'Attackers' drop-down menu for this. If am ahead by 1-2 goals i say 'Assertive': "Dont get complacent" and use 'Assertive': "Have faith" to the players who either don't react or have a 'red' reaction. This usually leaves everyone green. If i am ahead by 3+ goals, i use 'Cautious': "Say nothing" and then use the drop-downs to say 'Assertive': "Have faith" to every player.

During the match:
During the match i use the 'Calm': "Encourage" at every time possible. This really, really helps.

Post Match:
After the match is a lot simpler. If i win, i just say 'Calm': "good win" or whatever. If I draw or loose away I either use the "Unlucky" or the "Dissappointed" depending on the opponent and how many chances you create. It is very important to get a feel for this difference as a "Dissapointed" team talk after a draw against Man City away, can destroy your squad morale.

Hope this helps.

Edit: Also, never ever ever do team meetings because you feel you are playing well or not so well. It only gives a positive response like 1/10 times and if you get a negative response, it's usually really really bad. This is just my experience though.
First match in Prm league , Amazin' attack with Wing backs .. Omg them was flying haha .. i didn't change anything it's suk sam original , will upload next fixtures ;)
View attachment 196660
whats the diference between original suk sam and suk sam renewal?
Doing wonders with liverpool using original !
Great work.
SAM SUK tac..... I have to use the OI from the OP? Or no OI?

Thanks! Merry Christmas
Interesting start to my Southampton game lost both premier league games although I had more shots in both just couldn't seem to score. Europa league is a different story winning all 3 games in it by 5 goals or more. I'll stick with it and see how it runs in the long run.

for beeing such an dumbas... but wich tactic should I use?
And when?
I mean... should I start with "Suk Sam renewal", "Whirl wind v2" or "Suk Sam - vanco"?

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