great tactic SATROX. I've been using it with my Manchester City (i know it's strong team and it's too easy to play with top teams in FM, but i Like City

and playing with my friend via hamachi, and i totally destroyed 1st season. Won everything (league, 2x english cups and champions league), scored a lot of goals (somethjing like 130/30 in League, with 100points (32/4/2), won many times like 4:0 and more. i didn't make a screenshot with results, table etc but i made a ss with tactic , and you can see there goals, assist and average rating. Aguero is a beast! Tevez was great tho, Dzeok has proved to be a great replacement aswell! I only bought Iniesta for next season (like 80 mln Euros) and Lahm (30mln euro, he has a clause in his contract and he will replace either srna or clichy, don't know yet because Im happy with their results in 1st season). Sold few players.
Im a bit disappointed of Ganso. I was expecting more from him, maybe it's because he doesnt play on offensive mid position. Just check his rating and assist (7,04 , 6 assists :/) and then check Yaya's toure (7.50!). Silva was a great assistant also! I bought Neymar in Winter break and he replaced nasri on left side of the midfielders and after disappointing games of Ganso i moved nasri to the middle. But now when i have iniesta who will jump into main squad, nasri & ganso gonna be a replacements and they'll maybe fight with Yaya for spot in main lineup. (but yaya is too good for now and i won't change him that quick

). Bocchetti as a deffender has played quite good in last season, i won't buy anyone else for his place (he costed only like 10mln euros).
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