Sorry, mate, missed that. Are you talking about mirror formation?
No problem :)

Yes you use RM, AP and SS on left side. I don't have a RM but a very good LM so I want to know if it's possible to modify the asymmetric/mirror formation (so with a LM, SS on right side next to the AP).

Thanks a lot.
Okay, I don't know what just happened but suddenly it seems to have started working! I did the "verifying integrity of files" thingy in Properties on Steam in case any of my game files were messed up and it downloaded 18MB of data. And in my first game of playing it again, I'm winning 3-0 away with about 7 CCC so far and it's only the 60th minute! Aside from an early chance for them, we've been great defensively as well, which was not the case previously. Will report back with more progress :)
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No problem :)

Yes you use RM, AP and SS on left side. I don't have a RM but a very good LM so I want to know if it's possible to modify the asymmetric/mirror formation (so with a LM, SS on right side next to the AP).

Thanks a lot.
I've PMed you mirror formation.
I have a question, i've not yet tried the tactic but would you say is there one better for home and another for away? or just plug the one that suits my team most?
I have a question, i've not yet tried the tactic but would you say is there one better for home and another for away? or just plug the one that suits my team most?

They are both for home and away games, also there’s 3rd tactic which can be used in order to protect your lead(information about it you can find in opening post).

These tactic play very similar football and show very good results and I can’t decide which one is better but my sympathy is little bit toward Abomination.
Id have to say Ben Davies was the biggest surprise so far, bought for a meazly 3.6 mil , scored in the CL and had every good displays throughout the season, making himself a starter instead of danny rose. He is now worth as you can see a heafty 17.5 mil.

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our Benelux have you changed anything in the tactics or? for can not get time in my attacking as much as you can, or what have you done if you have done something
our Benelux have you changed anything in the tactics or? for can not get time in my attacking as much as you can, or what have you done if you have done something

Not sure i understand the question. My changes are only in regards to set pieces. I'm using Jassar's attacking set pieces and i use my own defending set pieces.

Apart from that i just used as i said, rotation. as you can see, each player played atleast 10 games or something.
Not sure i understand the question. My changes are only in regards to set pieces. I'm using Jassar's attacking set pieces and i use my own defending set pieces.

Apart from that i just used as i said, rotation. as you can see, each player played atleast 10 games or something.
Sorry to be a pain, but could you post screenie of all your set pieces please mate? :)
super thank you :) it was actually just what I wanted answers to: D sorry my very bad english: D