Wednesday, 5 July 2023
"Alloo, thisus Graeme."
"Hi Graeme. This is Enrico Pucci. I'm sitting here with Greg. Is this a good time?"
"Raight. Spayrklin good. Awrya laddy?"
"I'm fine," Greg replied.
"Soo, Enrico. Ah wis expecting an Eye-talian accent bit claihrly yer an American."
"I get that alot," I replied.
"Soo, Enrico. Hahs the lad werking oot ferya?"
"I'm very impressed with Greg which is why I'm calling."
"Hees a stoatin lad yeh goat thar. Ah hae na idea how come Celtic rahleesed em."
"So I realize that this is a bit weird in that you're in Glasgow and we're here in Germany but I'd like to see if we can move forward on a deal."
"Wall, wehv toaked this aver a wee bit n Greg'd layk to sayn."
"That's good to hear," I said. "As this is our first year back in the Bundesliga, I'm somewhat restricted in how much I can offer."
"Raight. Greg'd laik thairty a week, fafe year contract, hunner-faifty saynin' bonus, thray mill raylees clause. Claihrly, Greg'd be a stare n all thut."
"Thirty, huh?" I said. "Any wiggle room on that? We can't afford that much this season. I'm willing to give some fat bonuses for goals, assists and clean sheets. Salary increase per season."
"Waterya toaking about wi wiggle room?"
"Closer to 24k or 25k weekly?"
"Hairs yur problem. Thayr sayverl cloobs ayl keekin atem. Yev goat ta maik a compettive bid, Enrico."
"Okay, but how many clubs will be in a top division? On TV every week? With him at left back, I figure we won't be battling relegation and he'd be part of the feel good story of all of Europe. I'm just saying if he impresses, clubs in the EPL might see a 3 million release clause and, bang, he's in England."
"Yev goat a point thur, Enrico, but these other cloobs ayr wullin to splosh the dosh."
"Greg, I guess its kind of up to you," I said, redirecting the conversation to Greg and away from Graeme's fixation on money. "Do you want to be part of a Cinderella story? Help a team that just got promoted twice achieve stability in the Bundesliga? Do you want to be on TV every week in a major? Arguably the third best league in Europe?"
"I appreciate wot yer trying to do here at Kaiserlautern," Greg said. "I guess I'd like to think about it. Is that okay?"
"Of course," I replied.
We exchanged pleasantries and then ended the call. Greg left and once he was out of earshot, I groaned. I just knew he wasn't going to bite.