I dont know what i'm doing wrong. This tactic just dont work for me.
I already tryed a few saves with atletic madrid, as monaco, wolfsburg.. All this starting a new game and it just dont work. I do everything that the topic says. Put at 3 slots, play 5-7 preparation matches agains **** teams, ml left foot mr right foot, ml and mr take the corners, training tactics until 90% and then def positioning, opposition instructions, man marking..
i see everyone with great saves with this tactic and i cant see why it dont work for me.
Now i'm about to delete my actual save with Juventus almost finishing the second season. At this save i have pogba, marchisio, cuadrado, bernardo silva, isco, hazard, griezman, dybala, roberto pereyra..
i was playing with isco as MR hazard as ML pogba and marchisio as MC's dybala and griezman as strikers and still not working.
does anyone have any idea where is the problem?