is anyone else getting loads of people sent off??? (still winning mind)
Put Hazard in the middle with the last tactic.
i'm using this tactic in the second division in Ukraine, i'll let you know some results
also: (in dutch) ik speel met een schaduwspits, afmaker en diepe spits, want zo staat dat op het plaatje in het begin, maar als ik de tactiek download geeft hij iets anders aan, namelijk dat de middelste spits een 10 rol heeft, welke is de juiste?
tactic seems to work well, won 4 of the 5 matches i played and other one was a draw, possession not too great, between 50% and 60%
the only problem is that my opponents score to much, 6 goals in 4 games, how can i prevent this?
i guess that's the problem, i have no good 'voetballende verdediger' just two 'sobere verdedigers' with pace around 12
well, that's just unfortunate because there are hardly any decend players willing to play in the second Ukrainian competition