Awesome AMC™ by Raikan007 13.3.2 UPDATED TO LATEST PATCH!

  • Thread starter Thread starter Raikan007
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ey Raikan, i just signed Llorente on a free, how to i implement him into this tactic? play him as TM and have passes to him as mixed/ or to head? you change anything in the instructions?

I hope im able to play Rooney as Dlp ( not doin great so far, been training for this position since i started the save ), Rvp as AM and Llorente as TM up front, and then be able to put Chicarito on as sub as poacher to open up games.. what u think?

I play rooneyDlp and he is good and ive retrained RVP as Amc but i cant get best out of him where ever i play him think he got 6 in 30 games for me.. But i got liorente and yes play him as TM andleave as mixed and watch him score think he got 22 goals so far for me but im near end of 2nd season so ill be post some SS after ive finished season mate..

Hope this helps
anyone tried this tactic with arsenal? and had success?
awesome! thx D@ve! will try him for sure.. hmm, what to do with Rvp then...? ?
anyone tried this tactic with arsenal? and had success?
im curious about that aswell.. as i tried soo many tactics to bring success to arsenal soo far nothing work as i wished... its like 3-4 wins then home loose 0-3 to norwich then beat away chelsea loose home wigan 0-2 i dont wanna blame the tact as it seemed to work for many ppl with even lower clubs but as for arsenal for me unfortunetly hasnt worked :(
awesome! thx D@ve! will try him for sure.. hmm, what to do with Rvp then...? ?

Im gonna cash in mate ( really wish he would of been on fire as do like him ) as ive got Neymar,Bale,Valencia,Willan..Isco coming in summer with Honda....

So hopefully get a good price for him lol
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I'm trying to emulate how Everton play in real life using this tactic. I would like to try and use Fellaini as the AMC but I need him deeper at the moment till i get a replacement. I've AMR (Mirallas) an Inside Forward to Cut Inside, and AML (Pienaar) an Advanced playmaker to also cut inside, plus made Baines more attacking. I've also put my AMC (Osman) on support duty leaving Jelavic to score most of the goals. I don't know if this is gonna ruin the tactic but I just thought the way it is set up doesn't suit my team exactly. Do you think that would work?
Hello again, mate!
I decided to start a new game again with Southampton! My older safe was the one I started since the beta and I want a new try, now after all the fixing and my better understanding of the game! I want to have 1 4-4-2 tactic (just for the idea, not like I'm some kind of fan..) and again this AMC based one. I made few amazing signings before the first season! (Welington Nem, Yttergard Jenssen, Ostrzolek (really like him), Danny Willson (on loan from L-pool) and most amazingly - Jan Kirchoff!)

Also I would like to ask you, do you believe View attachment 285376
has the quality to back-up Ricky in front?
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Finished my 2nd season and what a season it was again lol won everything:D (Won the title in a 5-1 win at City in 2nd to last game)... Apart from the Community Shield and the Capital One Cup:(...

****** Wolves did the double over me though lol:(

Here is a summary of how i manage my team players etc in a season ( just incase people areintrested lol:P )

I palyed The Awesome Amc tactic (Apart from the Capital One Cup) all season in the league but i kept tweaking it every game either playing attacking,defending or control strategy... either poacher,advanced forward or target man up front depending on which stricker i use.. When i player poacher or advanced forward i untick target man box and if im playing target man i change TI to float crosses.. Depending who plays in Amc role i untick play maker box and change there passing to mixed in PI... If im playing against a team with wingers i set my wingers to man mark n hard tackle... i also attend each pre match and post match press confrence.. I talk to my players either praise or tell off lol.. Issue warning to them if there rating lower than 6 in a match... Issue warning if they get sent off and fine them if they keep getting sent off.. I do all my team talks and OI.... Say weather the oppentents players is a dangerman or weak link before match to try and un-nevre him... Talk about the oppentents manager to try and un-nerve him aswell.. Iset my General Training to Team Cohesion in pre-season and the when season starts i use deffending and att movement in matchprep but change the match prep to def positioning if playing the likes of City,Arsenal,Liverpool and Stoke away and also big teams in CL..

Here are some SS

Chicharito played as poacher and Liorente as target man..

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Mach Prep, team cohesion until start of season.

Then what?

I ask asI am not great at this game, I did really well in fm11 and fm 12 but this version is a lot harder, I play as Sunderland and really struggle. I read people say its more realistic but its too hard for me at the moment. The FLC verson isn't fun as it feels like a co out. Any advice on team talks or a link? I try to stay calm in all mine as very rarely get negative feedback but it doesn't seem to get a response at half time. If I go assertive or aggressive they cry lots. Waaaaah tye stuff.
the wingers are set to play hug touchline and cross often with your striker set as the TM :) that is why mate..

why does it sound like you are complaining about it lol :P

I'm not complaining about it sorry if it sounds like i am :P Anyways... Thanks for the great tactic Raikan :D
anyone tried this tactic with arsenal? and had success?

I think it will and im sure somebody in this thread as used it with the gunners with good results...

im curious about that aswell.. as i tried soo many tactics to bring success to arsenal soo far nothing work as i wished... its like 3-4 wins then home loose 0-3 to norwich then beat away chelsea loose home wigan 0-2 i dont wanna blame the tact as it seemed to work for many ppl with even lower clubs but as for arsenal for me unfortunetly hasnt worked :(

That would be me. :D Just finished the 2013-14 season and won the league and Euro Cup (Couldn't get past CL group stages =.=)
Here are my two teams that I constantly rotate: View attachment 285583View attachment 285596

As you can see, I left my 3 best CBs alone but added a very promising young Turkish CB. For LB, I sold Santos and brought in Santon. For RB, I got De Sciligo and sold Sagna (Unhappy).
For my two CMs, I rotate between the two partnerships of (Arteta Pjanic) and (M'Vila Ramsey) The left is the BWM and the right is the DLP. For my CAM, I rotate between Isco and Jack Wilshere (BEAST!). I never unticked "playmaker" as I they bagged lots of assists and goals for me.
Onto the wings, I sold Podolski and got Jovetic. (Should've gotten Gotze :S) I also sold Gervinho and got Shaqiri. In the striker spot, Giroud is PERFECT for the preset TM role. He literally bags a hat trick in every match he starts in :D My other rotating striker is Abel Hernandez, and he also scores for fun. (He scored 5 against Barca!!)

You guys might not notice it, but you can actually get A LOT of money from selling all the club's deadwood and not-so-promising youngsters! Thats how I got the $$$ to buy these players :D

I didn't tweak much of the preset formation/tactics. What I did was follow Raikan's instructions by using "control" against weak teams and "defensive" against stronger teams. I also followed his instructions for match training.

For team talks, I always used Agressive-Expect to win before the match, Aggressive-not happy during HT if the team is doing poorly or Calm-Keep it up if the team is doing well. After the match, I usually do calm-good job if we win. If its a win with a poor performance I just don't talk at all, because I seem to **** the team off with anything I say. If we lose, I use aggresive-unhappy.

I think that the key to success is having pacy LW/RWs, good creative CAMs, STs with good finishing, and CMs with good defending and stamina. During a match, my team usually passes in the opposition's half and just keeps passing it around, trying to find an opening. My creative players can thread a ball through to my striker with just a tiny gap in the defense :D While using "defensive", I usually find my team countering with pace on the wings and just crossing it to my striker.

Key players for the team:
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Amazing win against Barca:View attachment 285592

Hope this helped! :P 8-|
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Hi raikan. What sort of tweaks would you suggest if one were to implement this tactic for Leeds? One needs to strengthen the midfield, I know, but would you still suggest using PM/TM if your AMC isnt anything special?
Alvin u just inspired me to try this tactic 1 more time.. gonna start another new game...
maybe buy diffrent players this time.. hopefully it goes well..

nice screenies btw :)
as for giroud i think ima do what arsene wenger shoulda done irl instead of giroud and podolski buy cavani coz hes better then both of them put to gether both ingame and irl :P
Alvin u just inspired me to try this tactic 1 more time.. gonna start another new game...
maybe buy diffrent players this time.. hopefully it goes well..

nice screenies btw :)
as for giroud i think ima do what arsene wenger shoulda done irl instead of giroud and podolski buy cavani coz hes better then both of them put to gether both ingame and irl :P

Thanks :D I highly recommend Jovetic because he's half the price of Cavani and would develop to be almost better than Cavani in a short time :)
Hey Raikan, This tactic is GOD. I thought I might try my own tactic for a change when FM13 came out, succeeded okay, but gave up because of all the game flaws kept making me lose. (this was before update) Came back to find it has been updated and my tactics are rubbish now, can't score, but never get scored past lol. Used this one last years and it worked wonders, thought I would give it ago again, and after a few tweaks here and there, it is amazing. Played 10 games in the PL so far, W L1 D0, only loss came at Stamford Bridge, and I have been without RVP since the first game, broken leg :'( Welbeck has stepped up though. Have the best goals for, and goals against, and for once in Fm, I am getting goals from everywhere, not just my strikers. Anyway just wanted to say thanks, doing an awesome job man, can't wait for more from you :) Here are some SS:
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Rooney has been a beast just behind the striker, Gareth Bale, just WOW, and De Gea has 7 Clean Sheets in 12 games :) Only conceded 4 in 9 games :)
Here is my Manchester United Story Would love for people to follow it, need advice here and there about improving it, only just started.
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Raikan: What kind of match prep do you use when the league starts? Using team cohesion right now as generall training during my pre-season with high workload, but now sure what to use as match prep?
Should i as the OP says stick with this during the whole season and just change to attack movement when facing a opponent i should win against (booth home & away) and def. positioning when facing a better opponent (booth home & away)?


hey bud, as it says in the OP, team cohesion until the league starts, then I honestly leave it on defending and defending set pieces.. however, I have noticed a lack of goals, only winning 1:0 2:0 ect so going to switch to attacking movement and defending positioning and see how it goes, have a few tight games coming up, nearing end of 2nd season and in the running for the treble...

yeah mate, exactly that
Don't think i am going to risk it now mate, Paloschi is on fire to be quite honest, scored basically a goal a game last year(changing nothing) and has 4 in 2 so far this season! Will leave as is until things dry up, then i will implement the changes suggested.

Thanks for answering anyway mate!

awesome mate, don't try fix it if it aint broken!