Awesome AMC™ by Raikan007 13.3.2 UPDATED TO LATEST PATCH!

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New tweak

tried this approach against a good Pool team just now, some fantastic goals and beautiful football!
Desperately want to get deep into a man united career game. Raikan, do you mind giving me a little summary of how to use the tactic. I've read D@ve's posts, but im still not too sure, and I will probably be able to speak to craig tomorrow on steam, but obviously no one knows their tactic better than the creator. I have also read your angels guide on who to buy etc.

Typically I will be playing with united.

Desperately want to get deep into a man united career game. Raikan, do you mind giving me a little summary of how to use the tactic. I've read D@ve's posts, but im still not too sure, and I will probably be able to speak to craig tomorrow on steam, but obviously no one knows their tactic better than the creator. I have also read your angels guide on who to buy etc.

Typically I will be playing with united.

hey Jimmy :)

I have a set of 3 tactics I use and rotate, depending on opposition and depending on home or away.. I can send you all three if you like which you can extract and plug in..

the one is this AMC tactic, the other is my new TM winger tactic that probably should only be used if you have a big tall striker like Llorente (you can implement this in the 2nd season if you offer for Llorente in Jan)

the third is Raikan007's Park the Minibus tactic that I created for my away game against Real in the semi's of the ECL, I conceded a really stupid goal in the 91st minute but it kept them out and hit them on the counter quite nicely, and was only like 25% fluid as I had just created it..

The edits that D@ve and others made is mentioned in the OP already, just the unticking of the HOLD UP BALL box needs to be removed from the tactic uploaded here and of course the strikers role needs to be changed depending on who are you are playing with upfront!

Rooney - CF - Attack
Van Perise - AF, Treq or CF - Attack
Welbeck - Poacher
Hernandez - AF - Attack or Poacher

you need to set training every week, you must get into a habit after each game, going and setting your training up for the next week or two!

follow the Angels guide as well and really take your time in setting the squad up, playing and setting friendlies, set easier games after harder games so you can beat them like 6:0 and get the morale up before the start of the season! (always end your pre-season with the easiest team you can play against)

I would try the new tweak I mentioned above after the has become pretty fluid with the tactic and see how it goes,especially when playing against teams that park the bus at home!

good luck and I wish you all the best :)
Raikan,what Amc can u recommend for monaco in 1st season? And does this tactic suit monaco? I havent made any signings yet
will try to drop the CM and play AP, seems like a good idea..

*rukkiz : i have unticked playmaker, didnt help much
Hi Raikan, how would you line Everton up with this?

Would you push Fellaini up as AMC?
will try to drop the CM and play AP, seems like a good idea..

*rukkiz : i have unticked playmaker, didnt help much

have you made the new tweak I mentioned above?

Conceded 0 goals in 3 games in the EPL and conceded 1 goal in all matches so far this year using mostly this tactic with my new tweak...
Hi Raikan, how would you line Everton up with this?

Would you push Fellaini up as AMC?

its a tough one with Fellaini.. he does roam around IRL through the CM and the AMC position as well as pushing up as another striker on occassions..

I would retrain him as the AMC, set as Att mid - support, set him as the TM rather (leave as mixed) make the changes I mentioned above (leave defend though) and leave TM and make sure his run from deep is often
its a tough one with Fellaini.. he does roam around IRL through the CM and the AMC position as well as pushing up as another striker on occassions..

I would retrain him as the AMC, set as Att mid - support, set him as the TM rather (leave as mixed) make the changes I mentioned above (leave defend though) and leave TM and make sure his run from deep is often

Will give it a bash tonight :)
i havent tryed the last tweaks raikan, im at work at the moment :) i still think about FM while im here :) its just, i allways felt that the AMC was very little involved ( and since the tactic is called AMC, i thought he should ) and also its hard to find an effective striker.. when my wingers play like i want them, they allways get around their FB`s and get the ball in the box! 80% of my goals are like this. I have really strong wingers in valencia, nani and james rodruigez from porto. But ive played with Llorente as TM, Rvp as AF and Rooney as CF and they are just not scoring. The only combination that seems to guarantee goals is hernandez as poacher with targetman ticked ON with ball beeing played as "run onto ball", because of his pace i guess. I was thinking, to be most effective with Llorente, to pass the ball to his head? maybe the worlds strongest header!! And im suffering the fact that i cant implecate Rvp into this tactic! I dont know how too use him! Ill test your new TM tactic, play Llorente as TM and Rvp as AF with Rooney playing as Dlp. With United this year one can get problems ( like fergie has ) to get all our attackingpower involved! I also think its a good idea to start games with Llorente up front, as TM and then put Hernandez on in the 60th minute as poacher, targetman ticked ON and run onto ball, to mix thing up..

but do i have it right, the tweaks ?

-tick playmaker off ( i have retrained Rvp also for this position, and i have wellington Nem, Julian Draxler, Kagawa and Illkay Gundoran, a supertalented player from Dortmund for this position so i have many many great alternatives here! )

-tick targetman off ( will i get the most out of Llorente then? )

-set short passing

-set mantality too controll

-i see you suggest to put the AMC too AP/MC and the i guess to move the LMC too DM, but i really dont have the players for it! i have found the the best BWM/DM in this game, when playing United you dont really have to buy anyone because Phil Jones is nr 1! but i only have him to play this position! i have tryed Wanyama there but hes not doing great.. and i really prefer the 4-2-3-1 too the 4-5-1 setup.

-any other tweaks you have suggested and i have missed out, please remind me!

* on a further note, i see this tactic is good mate, its working. but i am a detailist and want all aspects of a tactic to work so please, be patient with me ; )

* do you still use the same training setup as in the original post? Team cohession in pre season, defensive positioning if tough oposition and attacking movement when easier teams?

thx again mate!
any other tweaks you have suggested and i have missed out, please remind me! :)

i also feel that the tactic is more comfortable when playing defensive instead of controll? you agree? also, if you really want too run over somebody, say reading who plays 4-2-2-2, how do you setup then? attacking?
i havent tryed the last tweaks raikan, im at work at the moment :) i still think about FM while im here :) its just, i allways felt that the AMC was very little involved ( and since the tactic is called AMC, i thought he should ) and also its hard to find an effective striker.. when my wingers play like i want them, they allways get around their FB`s and get the ball in the box! 80% of my goals are like this. I have really strong wingers in valencia, nani and james rodruigez from porto. But ive played with Llorente as TM, Rvp as AF and Rooney as CF and they are just not scoring. The only combination that seems to guarantee goals is hernandez as poacher with targetman ticked ON with ball beeing played as "run onto ball", because of his pace i guess. I was thinking, to be most effective with Llorente, to pass the ball to his head? maybe the worlds strongest header!! And im suffering the fact that i cant implecate Rvp into this tactic! I dont know how too use him! Ill test your new TM tactic, play Llorente as TM and Rvp as AF with Rooney playing as Dlp. With United this year one can get problems ( like fergie has ) to get all our attackingpower involved! I also think its a good idea to start games with Llorente up front, as TM and then put Hernandez on in the 60th minute as poacher, targetman ticked ON and run onto ball, to mix thing up..

thx again mate!

but do i have it right, the tweaks ?

-tick playmaker off ( i have retrained Rvp also for this position, and i have wellington Nem, Julian Draxler, Kagawa and Illkay Gundoran, a supertalented player from Dortmund for this position so i have many many great alternatives here! )

yes you do mate! Ilkay would play better as the DLP mate, not the AMC!

-tick targetman off ( will i get the most out of Llorente then? )

Yes, with the TM player instructions he holds up the ball nicely for the AMC to get involved and for the wingers to get further up in behind the Fb's as he plays them in or plays it back to the AMC to play it out wide etc.. its quite lovely to watch!

-set short passing


-set mantality too controll

Yes, you can leave as defend or even standard, this depends on who and where you play!

-i see you suggest to put the AMC too AP/MC and the i guess to move the LMC too DM, but i really dont have the players for it! i have found the the best BWM/DM in this game, when playing United you dont really have to buy anyone because Phil Jones is nr 1! but i only have him to play this position! i have tryed Wanyama there but hes not doing great.. and i really prefer the 4-2-3-1 too the 4-5-1 setup.

you can if you want, but with United I would leave as is!

-any other tweaks you have suggested and i have missed out, please remind me!

not sure what else I changed.. I will upload the NEW version into the OP and you can download the newer version if you like?

* on a further note, i see this tactic is good mate, its working. but i am a detailist and want all aspects of a tactic to work so please, be patient with me ; )

cheers mate, I am the same, don't stress

* do you still use the same training setup as in the original post? Team cohession in pre season, defensive positioning if tough oposition and attacking movement when easier teams?

yeah, pretty much the same as pre-season, but I have to change during the season, its an important part of FM13.. you cannot just leave anything as is, you need to be proactive!
Ok, thanks mate, i will upload the tactic again when i get home.. about the retain posession shout, you use it together with the other shouts? ( pass into space, play through defence and work ball into box? )

1 last thing ( for now ), i find that it takes very long before the tactic is fluid, how do i speed this up?
-any other tweaks you have suggested and i have missed out, please remind me!

not sure what else I changed.. I will upload the NEW version into the OP and you can download the newer version if you like?

Please do :P
any other tweaks you have suggested and i have missed out, please remind me! :)

i also feel that the tactic is more comfortable when playing defensive instead of controll? you agree? also, if you really want too run over somebody, say reading who plays 4-2-2-2, how do you setup then? attacking?

it is mate, its working better for me as control at the moment, when I play against other teams I will change it back, especially away from home.. but at the moment, its perfect.

you mean 442 (wingers, two cm's and two st?)

exactly as is mate, your AMC should do well against them in this game, I would set him as the playmaker as they dont have a DM to deal with him
Ok, thanks mate, i will upload the tactic again when i get home.. about the retain posession shout, you use it together with the other shouts? ( pass into space, play through defence and work ball into box? )

1 last thing ( for now ), i find that it takes very long before the tactic is fluid, how do i speed this up?

it does hey.. not sure why mate..

yes you use the normal 3 shouts plus retain possession :)
Yeah I've been reading you and D@ve's posts and your results are very encouraging. I know usually with Raikan's tactics you need to do a lot of man management and tweaking of tactics from game to game.

What do I need to do with this that isn't already mentioned in the op? and when do I switch from "control" , "attack" , "defend" ?

hey bud, my tactics do not require THAT much tweaking at all really FM13 requires you to!

The only thing that I suggest changing is the striker role to whatever suits your striker, so that allows you the freedom of using different strikers for different opponents instead of only just buying quick poachers..

If you are playing against slow defenders then use a poacher and play the ball in behind the defenders (run onto ball TM setting)

if you are playing against small/quick defenders like Papadopolous and a keeper with poor aerial ability and command of area then play a TM like Llorente who will give them both a hard time etc..
It seems that as with every other tactic in the game that I've tried the same thing happens, I take the lead, miss loads of 1v1s to extend that lead then in the dying the other team score 1 or 2 goals, usually through being able to run unchallenged to the near post and then beating keeper at near post and the 3 points are lost. Sick of it to be honest. Some call it realism but it isn't realistic that 1v1s are missed so often. Steven Fletcher may not be the greatest ever striker but he is not so bad as to miss 4 or 5 1v1s per game.The goals scored at near post are not realisitic either. Maybe its real when you use Man Utd and still win game 3-1 despite shocking match engine nonsense but its relegation and sack when you pick an honest team.