Awesome AMC™ by Raikan007 13.3.2 UPDATED TO LATEST PATCH!

Hopefully this hasn't been asked before as I haven't had a chance to read through the 71 pages.... thoughts on swapping the DLP to a support role and BWM to a defend role? I am using Real Madrid right now and though Kediri can play BWM support, Neither Modric nor Alonso fit the defensive role of a DLP

Hiya it might work bud give it a try and let use no
Hiya mate sorry to hear about your season and getting the sack..
I sometimes struggle in getting my strickers to score but i keep tweaking the slidders and roles.. Try Cavani as a CF or AF.. Also you can tick the PM box if the OP dont have a DMC.. Also have you done the training i use Defending/Attacking as Generals Training - Very High and Def set peices as match prep and the i change the match prep in the calander deppending on the OP..
I use OI instructions aswell from the start of the game i always close down and hard tackle the CB and hard tackle and show onto weaker foot there midfield wingers and attackers i also change the starting stratergy depending on the OP's aswell

hi mate thanks for the reply. yeah i always have assistant manager to do the oi every game, i do necessary tweaks for and during every game depending on the opposition, ive also tried putting cavani to cf, still all to no luck, i think i am doing something seriuosly wrong, as after this tactic ive tried others, like raikans tm, athena, and a few others, with all necessary tweaks, but still to no evail... its really annoying me now, but hey ill keep at it as i love fm!
hi mate thanks for the reply. yeah i always have assistant manager to do the oi every game, i do necessary tweaks for and during every game depending on the opposition, ive also tried putting cavani to cf, still all to no luck, i think i am doing something seriuosly wrong, as after this tactic ive tried others, like raikans tm, athena, and a few others, with all necessary tweaks, but still to no evail... its really annoying me now, but hey ill keep at it as i love fm!

What patch are you using mate as ive been struggling since the lastest patch came out.. Ive changed passing to more direct and gone attacking stratergy at home games with the shout 'get ball forward' and had some good results but struggling away at moment so gonna try and figure it out lol... Hopefully Rakian can come up with some ideas after he had his xmas n new year break..
What patch are you using mate as ive been struggling since the lastest patch came out.. Ive changed passing to more direct and gone attacking stratergy at home games with the shout 'get ball forward' and had some good results but struggling away at moment so gonna try and figure it out lol... Hopefully Rakian can come up with some ideas after he had his xmas n new year break..

aup mate, used it with last patch, not the new one that came out yesterday, havent tried the new patch with this tactic, but omg if even your struggling at times, i think ill stay hid behind the sofa!
this tactic was on and off for my arsenal side... not too bad, but sometimes lose against smaller guys.

now, this is my first game since the latest patch, against chelsea.... I'm leading 6-0 at HT already. lol, match hasn't complete, i cant see them coming back, so im boasting now hahah.

wilshere cazorla aoc
fellaini ramsey
gibbs verm kos sagna

now is season 1, in Jan window... Wilshere 4 goals, Cazorla 1, Fellaini 1 in HT. hope it is really this good for the coming games, need some desperate points lol.
Its the ME since the new patch thats causing problems with EPL teams i think:

- Amount of Long shots pr game has increased several fold

- Distance covered each game has doubled

- Amount of tackles have doubled

- Same with dribbling from players with instructions forward runs-sometimes and run with the ball-sometimes or a dribbling ppm

- Several high scoring games, 13-0, 7-7, 10-0 etc

- The top teams with 120+ goals in the league each season

Many users incl myself has reported this happening on SI forums. Hopefully there is a ME hotfix soon.
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sorry if in wrong place but can someone tell me how to upload my own tactic ii havent got a clue
thanks mate :) glad to help!

are you setting opposition instructions? close down the mids and wingers and show to weaker foot

Ive been doing AM reccomendations.

Seem to have solved that a little bit.

Next issue, home the tactic is fine, im in my 1st season, away ive lost 7 matches (including cup's) whilst havent lost a single match at home

AND final issue, im struggling to get shots on Target, been on attacking movement & heavy finishing training but in a match to decide who finishes 3rd i managed to get 2 shots out of 25 on target
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Any new Sussgest for ME 13.2.1 ?????

I won Chelsea with Arsenal 6-0 in first half in 13.2. No goals in 2nd half.

1 game later...

13.2.1: Played 3 games, 3 lost
a) 6-0 juventus
b) 2-1 fulham
c) 4-0 tottenham

yes i rage quit, lol.
I am playing this with Ajax and get some good results with it against other good teams in Holland. But against the middle teams like NAC, Heracles, ADO I sometimes get bad results. I think this is because my people are shooting to much from to far. I am trying to tweak this so my Midfielder won't shoot as much and my AM (Eriksen) passes more directly. Do you have any other tips. Each game I have like 20 shots and only 5-8 on goal. The other team can counter me away than.
Results are getting better now. More shots on goal :) Won 2-0 at home against Chelsea in CL with 8 shots on goal. Played the defensive version of this tactic.
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Phew finally got my Fm 2013 working. Any recommendations for my first Arsenal save with this tactic Raikan?
this has just started to go off since the new patch :(, losing to allot of small clubs (like Tottenham lol) and have struggled in general. It was superb pre patch though. Just thought I would let you know. Thanks :)
Is there anyway to go back to 13.2? Ever since 13.2.1 it's been horrible with this tactic :(
Read through all posts loads of times. Just can't see what I'm doing wrong with this tactic . My team is Blackpool and I won the championship with normal 442 tactic but since I've been in prem I've switched to this tactic and despite buying players for the roles described I just can't win for toffee . I've been getting stuffed by everyone nearly. Having to quit several times to try and save a bit of face , tried dropping mac back and playing with dmc, I thought I bought players in that were good for the roles as described in the spoiler on first page but maybe they just too rubbish ,I just don't know. I'm at my wits end here nearly smashed the laptop up several times lol is this just a big ask for Blackpool.any ideas from anyone, at the moment I'm afraid I'm thinking this tactic just isn't working for me. I'm on the second patch haven't done the latest one yet but the tactic supposed to get better with the newer patches ..not for me . Any advice anyone....
Raikan, could you please help me with PSG...I think I have a team that should be good enough for this tactic, but I'm just not winning and dominating games which I should. At least at home versus weaker teams..Ibra isn't performing like he should, basically the whole team isn't performing well. Are there any tweaks that should be done in order to get the best from PSG? Thanks.