i did a quick test run with southampton last night before i went to bed, i won all 9 of my pre season games (played decent teams aswell), only let in 1 goal and ricky lambert scored 24 goals....it was insane, so i was really confident for the season opener, i had sunderland away and i lost 2-0.
i thought this might just be a 1 off. But, my 2nd game was at home to west ham and we drew 1-1, and then the 3rd and 4th game i lost to both west brom and norwich. so i was bottom after 4 games with 1 point.
im not sure what happened, pre season was amazing, the tactic was near enough fluid by the 1st league game and before every match i nearly all players green from team talks, but they didnt perform.
it made me think i might pick swansea instead as there defense is better and mid/attack is similar, but its a long term save and with southamptons stadium and facilities etc, im stuck with who to go with.
if i pick swansea i will use only this tactic because i feel with there team and 20million to spend they should get top 10 easily, maybe even push for europa spot, but they wont produce any regens and even the 1s i buy wont get there full potential with there facilities.
if i pick southampton, im thinking i might use this and the DMC tactic together because there defense is weaker and only have 5mill to spend, i want a top 10 finish 1st season. but they will produce good regens and players will get alot better at southampton than swansea with there facilites.
sorry for the essay lol, im just stuck with who to pick.