Back to College/School/Uni.

People have different preferences I guess. But the rooms with an en-suite I saw were plenty big enough for me. Guess whether or not my parents will pay accommodation will determine what I get haha. Just wrote my personal statement hopefully it doesn't sound too bad :p
People have different preferences I guess. But the rooms with an en-suite I saw were plenty big enough for me. Guess whether or not my parents will pay accommodation will determine what I get haha. Just wrote my personal statement hopefully it doesn't sound too bad :p

You only just finished it? Slacker.
Not showing in the same shower as complete strangers > *

Most halls have cleaners, and sometimes even the students themselves clean up. So it's not like you're washing yourself while standing in peoples pubes.
I finished my whole statement in less than a week. (H)

What are your other choices?
Well hopefully I do the same and this time next week it's all done :p
Well I'm applying to Newcastle twice, once to do Ancient History and another to do Ancient History and Archaeology to hopefully increase my chances of going there :p (AH&A is easier to get onto it seems but I'd prefer to just do AH). Birmingham, Manchester and Leeds are my other choices. Only real low offer is a uni in Wales (in the middle of nowhere too) so don't really fancy going there :p basically if I get rejected by all I'll try through extra, then try through clearing and if all that fails then I'll get my A levels, take a gap year and then apply next year
Well hopefully I do the same and this time next week it's all done :p
Well I'm applying to Newcastle twice, once to do Ancient History and another to do Ancient History and Archaeology to hopefully increase my chances of going there :p (AH&A is easier to get onto it seems but I'd prefer to just do AH). Birmingham, Manchester and Leeds are my other choices. Only real low offer is a uni in Wales (in the middle of nowhere too) so don't really fancy going there :p basically if I get rejected by all I'll try through extra, then try through clearing and if all that fails then I'll get my A levels, take a gap year and then apply next year

Have you been to a Manchester open day? Manchester > Newcastle, surely? :p And surely the same admissions officer will see both your applications, so if they don't like you enough for one course they'll just reject for the second? May as well apply to 5 uni's and actually increase chances of offers.
When you do go through clearing (because you'll obviously fail :p) for the love of god do it quickly. Get up early, check your results, then get right into clearing.

---------- Post added at 04:51 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:44 PM ----------

Oh yeah, and your personal statement is nowhere NEAR as important as they make out. I breezed through three drafts of it in five days.
When you do go through clearing (because you'll obviously fail :p) for the love of god do it quickly. Get up early, check your results, then get right into clearing.

---------- Post added at 04:51 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:44 PM ----------

Oh yeah, and your personal statement is nowhere NEAR as important as they make out. I breezed through three drafts of it in five days.

Some Uni's don't care about statements at all, others do though, guess it depends if they interview or not. Best to do a good one anyway.
Have you been to a Manchester open day? Manchester > Newcastle, surely? :p And surely the same admissions officer will see both your applications, so if they don't like you enough for one course they'll just reject for the second? May as well apply to 5 uni's and actually increase chances of offers.

Going to Manchester next week so I guess that could change my mind again :p Will have to be good though ;) But one course is more competitive than the other so where I might get rejected by one I could be accepted onto the other. Atm I haven't got another choice I would put down.

When you do go through clearing (because you'll obviously fail :p) for the love of god do it quickly. Get up early, check your results, then get right into clearing.

---------- Post added at 04:51 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:44 PM ----------

Oh yeah, and your personal statement is nowhere NEAR as important as they make out. I breezed through three drafts of it in five days.
Good advice. Hopfully it won't come to that but I think it will. I won't be able to sleep anyway so should be up early haha. As Joel said some unis take it quite seriously while others don't. May as well make it as good as possible and hope for the best
Started Brighton uni 3 weeks ago.

Loving it. Nothing else to say.
open day at Manchester tomorrow, hopefully will be good :)

---------- Post added 08/10/2011 at 05:52 PM ---------- Previous post was 07/10/2011 at 10:02 PM ----------

open day at Manchester tomorrow, hopefully will be good :)

Back from the open day. Was good but I have to say Newcastle > Manchester ;)
application has been sent to UCAS so am not wating for replies. Applying for Ancient History at Newcastle (2 courses), Manchester, Birmingham and Leeds. (Newcastle being first choice, Leeds last) Will be lucky to get an offer :/
Have a 14 question homework to do for tomorrow. 5 down. Blergh.
Have a 14 question homework to do for tomorrow. 5 down. Blergh.

Sux2bu. I've got a thousand word essay which is mostly done and some news packages to make, which take about ten minutes.
Sux2bu. I've got a thousand word essay which is mostly done and some news packages to make, which take about ten minutes.

Essays suck.

Have a lab report that takes ~10 hours to do. Then yet another assignment for Friday.

And I've still only done 5 questions from this one.

FML. :(
Sux2bu. I've got a thousand word essay which is mostly done and some news packages to make, which take about ten minutes.

with your 'motivating pizzas' no amount of work is too much for you :p
So far, i've got my UCAS to send off, History coursework to hand in on thursday, 2 Philosophy&Ethics essays in for tomorrow and then revision for 3 January Exams.

I should be doing those, but instead i'm currently reading essays on how to be a successful, consistent manager.