Back to College/School/Uni.

Cue some guy coming in and saying 'Herp derp that's what Dunc would say herp'

"Hey, does this rag smell of chloroform to you?"

My hall is cool, everyone gets on, apart from one assaulting the other last night, everything's dandy. Having three creationists who genuinely believe the Earth is 6000 years old etc. is... interesting.
"Hey, does this rag smell of chloroform to you?"

My hall is cool, everyone gets on, apart from one assaulting the other last night, everything's dandy. Having three creationists who genuinely believe the Earth is 6000 years old etc. is... interesting.

It would be you who was landed with the creationists. I hardly see my flatmates, but we all get on. I don't really like any of them though, not like my coursemates.
It would be you who was landed with the creationists. I hardly see my flatmates, but we all get on. I don't really like any of them though, not like my coursemates.

I know, what are the chances!? I've lost track of the times I've been told "you just need to wait and embrace God and feel the love" or something along those lines. I may have to celebrate santaism with my fellow atheist at Christmas time. We all hang out from my floor together, haven't met many from my course though I have only had 1 lecture.
I know, what are the chances!? I've lost track of the times I've been told "you just need to wait and embrace God and feel the love" or something along those lines. I may have to celebrate santaism with my fellow atheist at Christmas time. We all hang out from my floor together, haven't met many from my course though I have only had 1 lecture.

Go even further and practice Satanism. Then at least you can claim you believe in God's existence.
Anyone dead yet? Hopefully Joel will be.

---------- Post added at 02:31 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:25 AM ----------

As for me, I'm alive and trolling Welshmen. "Oh you support Cardiff? Yeah, yeah, very big team, yeah. Third biggest in Wales after Swansea and Wrexham, no less."

Made some badass friends though. Me and this Welsh dude on my course get on like the proverbial sheep on fire and he's already targeted the house he's going to rent in Cardiff next year, so that's my accommodation sorted. Also there is this Italian girl who's just stupidly beautiful and intelligent, so that's... good. I guess.

Whut's up with you lot so far then.

So why is she talking to you? ;)
Good point, Halloween is coming up.

How many live on your floor?

On my floor? **** knows. In my flat? Five, including me.

---------- Post added at 03:08 AM ---------- Previous post was at 03:08 AM ----------

He never said she did. Admittedly, it's difficult to talk when you're gagged and tied in his wardrobe.

I'd have to clear the boxes of Corona out of my wardrobe before I put her in there tbh, even if she is quite small.
On my floor? **** knows. In my flat? Five, including me.

---------- Post added at 03:08 AM ---------- Previous post was at 03:08 AM ----------

I'd have to clear the boxes of Corona out of my wardrobe before I put her in there tbh, even if she is quite small.

You have a flat? Pff. En-suite?

I'll take the Corona off your hands.
Yes. Yes it is. <3

And no. No you won't. </3

Uni en-suites suck.

Hater. The last two times I ordered it from the union bar they had no lime, unimpressed.

---------- Post added at 03:21 AM ---------- Previous post was at 03:19 AM ----------

You would know,eh?

Have you not seen the live stream he put of his sordid acts?
Uni en-suites suck.

Hater. The last two times I ordered it from the union bar they had no lime, unimpressed.

This one doesn't. The shower is badass. Has no door lock for some reason, not that it matters as I just leave my flat door locked when I'm inside it anyway.

Omfg no lime? Sacrilege. Though frankly I'm not a connoisseur of beers, so I can't talk.