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So far, i've got my UCAS to send off, History coursework to hand in on thursday, 2 Philosophy&Ethics essays in for tomorrow and then revision for 3 January Exams.

I should be doing those, but instead i'm currently reading essays on how to be a successful, consistent manager.

what you doing for history coursework? It's 40% of my A2, same for you?
Wow, I feel so sorry for you people doing A Levels!

Not looking forward to it in the future, to be honest, just started my GCSE course (although in Year 9, our school do it differently). I've just got a few tests to revise for (had around 5 so far this term), but they're fairly easy so I don't need to revise too hard. What annoys me is that my Maths teacher keeps giving me massive next-day homeworks, it's really annoying! :(
Wow, I feel so sorry for you people doing A Levels!

Not looking forward to it in the future, to be honest, just started my GCSE course (although in Year 9, our school do it differently). I've just got a few tests to revise for (had around 5 so far this term), but they're fairly easy so I don't need to revise too hard. What annoys me is that my Maths teacher keeps giving me massive next-day homeworks, it's really annoying! :(

I'm sure they can't be that massive/hard. :) And the best way to get good at Maths is practice and repetition, so he's doing you a favour.
I'm sure they can't be that massive/hard. :) And the best way to get good at Maths is practice and repetition, so he's doing you a favour.
Nah, to be fair they're not that hard. I'm alright at Maths and find it quite easy, but he gives us excessive pieces of work. So I find myself doing tons and questions and basically getting them all right (some of them are like, work out the volume of this cylinder, etc. - things we did in Year 7/8). I don't mind homeworks too much, but if they're pointless and needlessly excessive, that's what ****** me off. But yeah, agree with your comment (it doesn't seem like I'm having a big rant ;)). What courses are you taking at Uni, at the moment?
Nah, to be fair they're not that hard. I'm alright at Maths and find it quite easy, but he gives us excessive pieces of work. So I find myself doing tons and questions and basically getting them all right (some of them are like, work out the volume of this cylinder, etc. - things we did in Year 7/8). I don't mind homeworks too much, but if they're pointless and needlessly excessive, that's what ****** me off. But yeah, agree with your comment (it doesn't seem like I'm having a big rant ;)). What courses are you taking at Uni, at the moment?

Physics, so if you need help with Maths you can just ask in the homework thread. :)

You have to remember some of the class will still be struggling with things like volume that you find easy. Maybe you'll get moved up a set if you maintain high standards (Unless you're already in set 1?)
Physics, so if you need help with Maths you can just ask in the homework thread. :)

You have to remember some of the class will still be struggling with things like volume that you find easy. Maybe you'll get moved up a set if you maintain high standards (Unless you're already in set 1?)
I'm in set 1 and we are covering things which are seriously easy, things most people knew in year 7. Still, there's no point complaining about it really! But yeah, I do respect people's limitations but sometimes it's just excessive and needless. Surely if some people are seriously struggling they should be moved down or they should do extra work in their spare time? Most times, it's not about them being stupid, just lazy.

Thanks for the homework help offer! :)
Can't you just get your teacher to fix your coursework until it's an insta A? :p

sort of...... we give him drafts then he tells us where to improve it :p then he will mark it then send off to examiners to make sure he hasn't marked it wrong. I'm enjoying doing it tbh, very interesting.
sort of...... we give him drafts then he tells us where to improve it :p then he will mark it then send off to examiners to make sure he hasn't marked it wrong. I'm enjoying doing it tbh, very interesting.

What are you doing it on?
What are you doing it on?

we had to make our question that covered the periods 1904-2010 so I made the question "How far was world war II the key factor in causing a shift in US foreign policy between the periods 1904-2010". Haven't written as much as I should but still got time. Done my sections on pre WW1, WW1 and Vietnamn. Interesting to see how US has acted in the last 100 years
Studying Ancient History and Classical Archaeology at uni, and I'm learning Latin from scratch this year. Eep.
Studying Ancient History and Classical Archaeology at uni, and I'm learning Latin from scratch this year. Eep.

.....almost exactly what I'm applying for
where are you studying? enjoying the course? what you doing at the moment?
(yes I have a lot of questions :p )
.....almost exactly what I'm applying for
where are you studying? enjoying the course? what you doing at the moment?
(yes I have a lot of questions :p )

Ahh cool, feel free to ask me any questions :D I'm studying:

Intro to Greek and Roman History: Basically just a timeline of history and a discussion of it- it's essentially to get you familiar with the narrative so you can see which bits you like and which you don't in later years
Greek Culture: Ranging from Greek literature (Homer, Aristophones, Aeschylus etc) to Philosophy (Plato, Aristotle, Sophists etc) to material culture with grave burials, art, symposium and stuff
Roman Culture: Same as the above but for the Romans :p
Latin Language: Essentially gets you to GCSE standard Latin in 33 weeks!

I'm also auditing (non assessed) Introduction to Ancient Philosophy from the Philosophy department which runs from the earliest Greek philosophers to Aristotle, and Epic Poetry from the English Lit department which goes into more detail on Homer and Virgil than Greek or Roman Culture do.

I'm studying at Warwick, but I also spent 2 years at Edinburgh where I covered 100 credits worth of ancient history, and yes it's very good :) Some bits can be a bit dull (studying vases >_>) but there's a lot of options for specification in years 2 and 3 so I can pick the things I want to do (ancient philosophy, literature, Roman Republic, early Christianity).

Where have/will you be applying?

Oh and if you have any questions and don't want to hijack the thread just PM me :p
Ahh cool, feel free to ask me any questions :D I'm studying:

Intro to Greek and Roman History: Basically just a timeline of history and a discussion of it- it's essentially to get you familiar with the narrative so you can see which bits you like and which you don't in later years
Greek Culture: Ranging from Greek literature (Homer, Aristophones, Aeschylus etc) to Philosophy (Plato, Aristotle, Sophists etc) to material culture with grave burials, art, symposium and stuff
Roman Culture: Same as the above but for the Romans :p
Latin Language: Essentially gets you to GCSE standard Latin in 33 weeks!

I'm also auditing (non assessed) Introduction to Ancient Philosophy from the Philosophy department which runs from the earliest Greek philosophers to Aristotle, and Epic Poetry from the English Lit department which goes into more detail on Homer and Virgil than Greek or Roman Culture do.

I'm studying at Warwick, but I also spent 2 years at Edinburgh where I covered 100 credits worth of ancient history, and yes it's very good :) Some bits can be a bit dull (studying vases >_>) but there's a lot of options for specification in years 2 and 3 so I can pick the things I want to do (ancient philosophy, literature, Roman Republic, early Christianity).

Where have/will you be applying?

Oh and if you have any questions and don't want to hijack the thread just PM me :p

wow that all sounds really good, wish I was studying it now! did you have quite a lot of freedom with what you wanted to focus more on? are you doing a dissertation soon? wow Warwick very impressive. I am in year 13 so applying for first year at uni. Applying for Ancient history and Ancient History & Archaeology at Newcastle, Ancient History & Archaeology at Birmingham, Ancient History at Manchester and History & Roman Civilization study at Leeds (I liked the uni and city, but course isn't exactly what I wanted. Don't quite have the grades for those places (couldn't find any uni in between really or really bad, like an offer that was CCC) but when I was at Newcaslte I was told that I could lower my offer by getting work experience, which I have managed. Also I think my personal statement is quite good (I've been told it is) so hopefully I get an offer from somewhere! Would really encourage me to revise hard for my resits in January! If I think of any I will PM you thnx :)
Got to apply for a sixth form/collage from now on :S

Thinking of doing P.E, History, Geography and maybe business skills. Is anyone currently doing these at A Level ? and what are they like ?
Got to apply for a sixth form/collage from now on :S

Thinking of doing P.E, History, Geography and maybe business skills. Is anyone currently doing these at A Level ? and what are they like ?

I do History and would highly recommend it, very interesting. Don't do the others but I can give some friendly advice ;) PE is like an easier version of Biology with running as well :p Geography is just colouring ;) haven't got anything to say about business :p
Got to apply for a sixth form/collage from now on :S

Thinking of doing P.E, History, Geography and maybe business skills. Is anyone currently doing these at A Level ? and what are they like ?

If you want to go to uni don't take PE. Business skills = Business studies?
Why do you say that mate? (I'm doing AS PE atm)

it's not looked at as favourably by unis compared to other subjects (e.g Maths, biology, physics, chemistry etc). Unless of course you want to do something PE related at uni
Im doing Biological studies at Bristol its okay, rather of done sports of some kind or bio-med