let your assistant handle match prepwhats your match prep please mate?
olidag im opening a new thread tonight to discuss how to get good money for players and very good staff with low wages so keep a look out mate im also in my second season and the players i bought cheap have nearly went up 5x there valuation so ill be showing screen shots of there valuation at current.
Who do you set as playmaker, I am assuming it's the AMC?
defensive line should be either push up or normal if you drop it too deep then your defenders will be in trouble because it helps when they support the wing backs and your mids for great counter attack and also the speed of the defenders would probs be between 13 to 20 basically the faster your defenders the better they counter and come back to win the ballYou gave some good tips and going to use this tactic. You mentioned some pacey defenders. Which are considered to be pacey, is 13 al good or should it be higher. And when I drop the defensive line, I know I have to how it works, but must it be lowered a lot?
its both DLP and AM but the AMC will assist about 20-30 goals a season, my ben arfa had assisted 38 first season and NEM about 25Who do you set as playmaker, I am assuming it's the AMC?
ben arfa and wellington nem both amazingWho do you set as playmaker, I am assuming it's the AMC?