Don't know if it's a bug in the game but when you push the players right next to the striker but in wider positions the game classes them as a striker.. yet they say the position they are in is natural..Starting to bug me.
Don't know if it's a bug in the game but when you push the players right next to the striker but in wider positions the game classes them as a striker.. yet they say the position they are in is natural..Starting to bug me.

Noticed that as well but the inside forwards need to be accomplished as a striker to fit the bill, a simple AML/R won't do.
Noticed that as well but the inside forwards need to be accomplished as a striker to fit the bill, a simple AML/R won't do.
Yeah it's quite strange. Starting to think why some of my out and out wingers aren't performing because they are being classed as a striker.
Absolutely love this tactic! Turned around my season completely from the first game using it, Won the league in Gibraltar with this and also used it with the Gibraltar national team and took Luxembourg to 3-2 and they were lucky to get the win!

Will upload screen shots ASAP, possibly tonight.
Moved to Arsenal, and I'm literally conceding at least 5 a game.. thought i'd move to try and see how this tactic is used with better players. It's really not working..
Moved to Arsenal, and I'm literally conceding at least 5 a game.. thought i'd move to try and see how this tactic is used with better players. It's really not working..
Hi mate, i've been using this with Spurs. I was using this for away games only and was working good. i was using the original Steatons as the home, but do feel this is better. I had a lot of signings so didn't become fluid till mid October... Anyway my point... I switched mentality to attacking and defensive positioning for match trng... general was on team cohesion but switched to balanced average now...... I'm now using home and away and smashing everyone, I switch to counter in the last 20... Going great
Hi mate, i've been using this with Spurs. I was using this for away games only and was working good. i was using the original Steatons as the home, but do feel this is better. I had a lot of signings so didn't become fluid till mid October... Anyway my point... I switched mentality to attacking and defensive positioning for match trng... general was on team cohesion but switched to balanced average now...... I'm now using home and away and smashing everyone, I switch to counter in the last 20... Going great
thanks for the tips. I don't necessary think it's the tactic but the players I have are no where near arsenal standard, but I'll take our advice on board.
Can anyone upload the tactic with Jassar set pieces incorporated?