Billy D's follow your career 3!!!

Sweet! Roma for NINETEEN million! Just hope those pesky Ultras don't ruin it... :p
Sitting here waiting eagerly to find out that my guy is worth 40 mil and had the best season ever and that all my stats have shot up
Sitting here waiting eagerly to find out that my guy is worth 40 mil and had the best season ever and that all my stats have shot up

Don't get your hopes up mate. I'm starting to give up hope of getting out of Ajax.
Nice I played really well this season for Arsenal. Over 40 games and highest rating I've ever gotten so far!
Am still not a first 11 player at 23 :( i dont think i have scored a goal yet for any club :( , but 12 caps and 1 goal for england aint bad. I dont think i have progressed at all either :(
I'm really starting to progress now at Roma. Inter legend? Pah, I'm gonna be a Roma legend.
Wow am pretty glad i played in the league cup final winning team thats a great plus :D the bad thing is i got injured :(

---------- Post added at 10:35 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:31 PM ----------

I' wondering if on my personal page if it says "proud to be playing in the same team as Daniels" since all those awards you have gathered
World cup 2018....and yes england were dog **** again!!! poor old dahnert you were injured so you didn't make the danish squad :(