Billy the Greek

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Unlucky in the cup mate - I'm sure Billy wont hesitate to bring in reinforcements for next summer!
Unlucky in the cup mate - I'm sure Billy wont hesitate to bring in reinforcements for next summer!

To be honest I still have faith in the team 's roster and my main goal to keep most of my players. The only transfers I was planning to do have already sealed (replacement for Zivkovic and capturing Vadala). As for my defensive line I give them till December to prove their worth. I have to admit though that my tactic does not help my defenders when we are up against strong teams but I am not planning to change the formation.

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Last season, the team managed to achieve its first goal (winning the league) but the games against Monaco and Panathinaikos for the Greek Cup, showed Billy that he needed to improve his team defensive play in view of the new season. For that reason he ordered his assistant to arrange a lot of friendly games so as to try different combinations and instructions in order to find the right chemistry. He was certain that his players were good and the only thing they needed was better guidance.
One more thing he wanted to improve was set pieces. Olympiakos did not score many goals from corners and free kicks last year. This had to be changed because especially in matches against a stronger team achieving a goal from a corner can determine the final score since you won’t have many clear chances in front of goal to do that.

Our managed was so convinced that his roster was more than fine for the new season that he did not proceed to any more transfer deals than the ones he had already arranged before the start of the pre-season training.

​Meanwhile along with Olympiakos preparation, Billy was also watching the World Cup were this happen...
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Wow ! What a surprise !!

A few days before the opening game for the Greek League, Olympiakos received an e-mail form the Italian Football Association. They wanted Billy as their manager. Mr. Marinakis decided to call his hero in his office to talk about it. Billy considered this mail as a great honor and as a recognition of his managerial abilities and reassured the president that he could handle both jobs but it any case Olympiakos would be top priority in case. So after this meeting …
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The opening day of the new league was coming fast. The team was ready and look capable of winning the league for the third time in row. Billy though could not imagine what was about to happen.
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There you have it! Kasami, Papadopoulos and Vergos will be away for a long period of time! Billy had to think fast. The cooperation with Juventus seamed the ideal solution. So…

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Both of the players would be use so as to offer more deep to the team. After these two transfers we were ready for the start of Billy‘s fourth season in Piraeus!
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It is very tricky to start the season with a derby. If you win, you earn confidence but if you lose, not because you played bad but because the players are not in full form yet, the team’s morale drops a lot. Billy was lucky though because Olympiakos won and this win was combined with a good performance.

Champions League draw was on top in Billy‘s agenda for the next day. Olympiakos was placed third for the draw and everybody in the team hoped for the best.
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View attachment 197091“Okay obvious it is a difficult group but we promise to try very hard and if the team play according to its potentials we have a chance to qualify”
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Another good win with good performance as well. Young Donis scored his first goal and looked that he could be able to rest Pohjanpalo when needed.

After the game Billy did not returned to Athens. He went to straight to Thessaloniki in order to fly to Italy for his first match as an Italy coach. Italy was going to face France. Before he arrived to Rome though he received a message in his mobile.
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Borja Lopez out for a month!! Okay how unlucky can you be!

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Billy agreed to work with Italy because its roster looked ideal for his favorite formation. A draw in a game against a strong team like France in his debut as Italy manager was more than welcome.

After the Game against Pogba and his friends, Billy received one more text message from Piraeus.
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One more shocking injury!

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Maybe we should have stayed to Italy. Croatia destroyed us and the result could easily been bigger, especially the first half was terrifying. The result against France mislead Billy and thought that he could play this game with the same line up. Many things must change in order for Italy to qualify.
Back to Greece and back to Superleague. Panathinaikos was Billy‘s next opponent. Our hero wanted revenge for last year cup game.

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Okay this is getting ridiculous! They did it again! We were ahead with two goals and they managed to turn this around. Niang was unstoppable something which made Billy to admit to his assistant that he was wrong for not placing an offer for him in the summer.

Olympiakos had to leave this unfortunate game behind. It was time for the opening game of the Champions League. The Gunners were visiting Karaiskaki one more time.
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A win against the Englishmen what exactly what we needed after the loss against Panathinaikos!

With the players confidence rising again, Olympiakos was returning to Superleague to face Platanias. Billy wanted a win in order to stay close to Panathinaikos who was in first position.
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Lady luck smilled to Platanias today. This result hurt as a lot since we are now five points behind…
First game for this year Greek Cup and Panthrakikos was coming to Karaiskakis. The team from Komotini was looking very strong so far and they were in the second place in league. Thrylos had to be extra careful.
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A close game but winning was more important than performing well today.

Another derby for the Greek Superleague, this time against AEK Athens. In other cases Billy might tried to rest some of his first team regulars in view of the upcoming game with Dortumund for the Champions League. Olympiakos though ,was starting to fell behind in its chase for the tittle so no rotation for this match.
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Things are not looking good ...

Dortumund, Germany second game for the Champions League. Billy had to deal with injuries, team's low morale and the strong German squad. Winning this game was mission impossible but we have to fight!
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The score could have a lot worse since they had four posts !!!!

Billy really did not what to do. The serious injuries before the beginning of the season had weakened his team a lot. Olympiakos had started well but now the team seemed look very very weak both in defense and in offence.
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This result says it all. The team look helpless...

The minute Billy returned to Athens called the Italy Football Association and quit his job. It was time to devote himself totally to Olympiakos because things were starting to get out of hand.
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And in order to justify that just look at the table ...
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Billy had to change his team image , and had to do it fast. It seemed that the players' low morale affected their performance a lot. All they need was a good comfortable win. They were not playing so bad, they were playing without confidence.

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At last! A good win with many goals! Let 's see if this performance will be the first of many to come!

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Get in !! Very good performance and another good result ! We were so good to an upset win but this tie is also welcomed. Right now we are in second place in our group.

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It looks like the team is on fire again! With our injured players starting to recover we should be able to turn the previous bad games around !
All of sudden, the team 's good form had returned. The question was though whether Billy could make this form last. Olympiakos' board though was still supporting our hero and expressed this with actions.

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A good gift since Billy had already arranged two transfers (which I will reveal later).

After our manager called Mr. Marinakis to express his delight for the extra funds , his assistant texted him that Napoli had expressed the desire to hire Billy as their new manager. It was time for him to express his gratitude for the support he was receiving with actions.

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A very tough decision , since Napoli was an excellent project, with good players in every line and a very healthy financial status. But Billy did not want to leave the team especially now that they were quite low in the table.

And speaking of tables let's have a closer look.

Greek Superleague
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Greek Cup
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Champions League
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The end of 2018 was approaching and the team was fighting its way to the top. Panathinaikos has established a comfortable lead but in football anything is possible. One thing was certain though, the champions had to try very hard in order to celebrate their third consecutive tittle in the summer.

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View attachment 196630 A bad draw in match where we totally dominated but their keeper was unbeatable. We cannot afford to loose points like that.

After the game against Aris , Fener was visiting Karaiskakis for the Champions League. A very crusial match. Olympiakos needed to win so as to fight with Arsenal or Dortumund for the second place of the group and the qualification ticket. The fans were there once more to support Billy and his players.

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View attachment 196626 ​Another goalless draw, another very good goalkeeper. Thrylos tried but the ball did not want to get in.

After the game, the team 's doctor announced Billy one more bad injury.
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Gianniotas out for three months ! He has just returned after his previous injury but bad luck had stricken again.

Back to the league. Billy wanted this win desperately.
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View attachment 196623 A good result after two bad draws!

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Vergos out ! He had just returned from a previous injury as well.


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View attachment 196620 Two wins in a row ! Confidence boost before the big match in London with Arsenal for the Champions League.

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Now this is getting quite irritating don't you think ?

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We had to win in their home our it was bye bye Champions League.
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View attachment 196611 They were the better team and they win fair and square. No tears for this defeat though since the team tried their best.

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View attachment 196609 As long as we keep winning we stay alive for the league.

View attachment 196608 Billy this season is not so good as he previous one but I want to you know that you have my full support.
View attachment 196607 Thank you Mr. president. I will try by best not to let you down.

Billy was very worried after this talk. Usually in Greece when the board inform the manager that they fully support him , it means that he is on the verge to get sacked. To his surprise though ...
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Back to Greek Cup at time for a nice big win against a lower league such as Panaigialeios.
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We were lucky in the cup draw since we will be facing one more lower league team.

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Last Champions League Game for this season against Dortumund. Billy wanted to finish with style and a win against the mighty German team. In the end though he had to comprise with an honorable draw.

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Superleague was next and a game against Asteras Tripolis.
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Another bad loss. Their keeper was amazing and they managed to score three goals with three clear chances. No matter what Billy tries this season, nothing seems to work properly. The bad thing is that Panathinaikos still cruising and maybe it is time to admit that winning the league is impossible this year.

Next day we had the Europa League draw were billy hoped for an easy or at least an equal opponent.
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We can say that his hopes became true.
First game with Aigianiakos for the Greek cup . With the league slipping away winning the cup has become top priority for Billy.
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We receive the same goal in every game and this is getting out of hand. Their winger crosses from byline and their attacker (although that he is being marked tightly receive the ball unmarked) scores an easy goal. On the other hand our attackers need three or more clear chances to score a goal...
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Back to winning for the league and a good performance. For a strange reason the team is not capable of retaining a stable pace this season. At least we managed to close this year with a good win.

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Billy wanted to bring new faces to the team in a desperate attempt to improve Olympiakos performance. Mr. Marinakis provided him transfer funds and our hero went for shopping.
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​Billy had a strong belief that these guys had the ability to change his team for the best.

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Another good win! We still have a long way to the top but at least the team seems to has a pulse.
Nice transfers hopefully they help you kick on in the league and help you past Basel
Second game for the cup and Billy wanted a good performance. The draw against an easy team as Aigianiakos had made our hero furious and now demanded a better performance.
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The players (luckily for them) listened to their manager.

The draw for the next round brought Asteras in Thrylos way. A great chance for revenge thought Billy.
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Superleague and a home game against Pas Giannena.
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Last season our attackers were ruthless in front of goal. This year though they seem as if they had forgotten how to put the ball in the net and that is hurting us a lot.

Another home game for the League and this time against Panathinaikos. It was now or never for Billy and his players.
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It was never. Once again they managed to steal the win in the last minute. It is such a shame. We play good , we create (a lot of) chances in front of goals and we look so fragile in defense. Even lower league teams cause us a lot of problems in the back. However Billy was determined to stick to his tactic no matter what. He knew that there must be a solution somewhere and that he would find it eventually.

Nice transfers hopefully they help you kick on in the league and help you past Basel

I have tried to find more defensive players since this season seem to face many problems in the back. Let's just hope that these guys will give us a hand ! Merry Christmas by the way !!
First Cup game against Asteras. A very difficult game with a team which is very strong in its stadium.View attachment 195926
View attachment 195924We were lucky to score a goal otherwise it was goodbye Greek Cup.

Three games in a row for the league before the rematch with Asteras for the cup. Winning the tittle was a lost case. However the hunt for the second place was still at stake.

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View attachment 195921​One of those games were no mater how hard you try the ball does not want to go in.

View attachment 195914Billy tried some new tweaks in his tactic. It seemed that it had some results.

View attachment 195911We managed to score first but they brought the game to tie. However. although we had so much time ahead of us nothing changed until the end of the match. At least we got one point in a derby game.

Rematch with Asteras for the Cup. It was time for Olympiakos to play like his nickname "Thrylos" (legend)
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View attachment 195907​After this game was over , Billy kept wondering how on earth this year is going so bad for Olympiakos. The team played very well and made this 3-0 win look so easy.

The draw for the cup brought Panathinaikos one more time in our way.
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View attachment 195895The confidence from the cup win helped the team and managed a good win. Now were looking good for the rematch.

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View attachment 195891The team 's poor performance this year in the league, has made the players seeing every league game as a champions league final. We look very nervous and if the game goes bad there is no way we will turn it around.

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Second game against Basel. Despite the poor performances of the team the fans had not loosen their fate to the players and to Billy. The stadium was packed once more and the crowd was there to play its part as the "team 's 12th player"!
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The minute we entered the stadium and saw that it was packed, made us more hungry for the win in order to please our fans. The deserve everything and we have hurt them a lot this year.

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