Budget cuts to Universities?

thank god I have 4 years until I go to Uni, hopefully this will have gone by then :S
Its the lib dems as well, they have conned the students into voting for them, and once they get into government, they betray all of these students by voting to raise the fees

There's more chance of the Lib dems being lenient than the conservatives.
doubt ill go to uni now, was mulling over going to uni or taking a gap year and this has made my choice easier to make now. stupid tories and lib dems
I think they're going about limiting entry to universities the wrong way. I'm all for cutting down on the number of students, but I think it should be done by raising the qualifications required rather than a question of money. I think fees should be kept the same, but only let the most highly qualified students in.
Really don't understand this, the government are charging students who are the next generation of scientists etc, but the bankers who got our country in this mess are untouched, a'm i seeing a lack of logic here of has the world gone mad?
I think they're going about limiting entry to universities the wrong way. I'm all for cutting down on the number of students, but I think it should be done by raising the qualifications required rather than a question of money. I think fees should be kept the same, but only let the most highly qualified students in.

They aren't doing this to reduce the numbers of students they are doing it as a way to save public spending and pay off this unpayable debt that burdens the country. Also this will have the opposite effect on reducing the number of students which you are "all for", uni's have had their funding cut by the government which means if anything they need more students just so they can survive..
To be honest how many students are going into jobs that they studied for? most people i know who have done pointless degree's are doing something completely different. Why should we pay for that, yeah its a recession less jobs in general but what's the point in going to uni if your not really going to focus and then go into that occupation. My mate's spent there student loans on alcohol mostly and irrelevant stuff, again why should we fund this Im all for higher fees, at least then people will think closely at what they want to do and work hard for it knowing its going to put them a couple K more into debt. Which will help bring the country in general out of debt. Fookin lazy layabout students.
I've had many rants about this. As has been mentioned, the prices have to go up because the country is so screwed up money wise (nice one Gordon!), it's the only the way to save public money. And the way the protests have been organised, well, lets just say my cat could have organised it better. And dragging a mounted police officer off his horse, and seeing him get trampled-any sympathy I may have had is totally gone. And causing all this damage, like somebody said, just defeats the whole object.
And I tell you one thing. Being a taxpayer, I wouldn't be happy funding somebody's uni course, which is something unimportant to the country, like to do with film making. Stuff that thankyou
In my opinion the worst affected will be middle class as poorer backgrounds a bit of money whereas rcher backgrounds are hardly affected. In one word all I can say is Bias + Clegg needs to sort this mess out. :L
To be honest how many students are going into jobs that they studied for? most people i know who have done pointless degree's are doing something completely different. Why should we pay for that, yeah its a recession less jobs in general but what's the point in going to uni if your not really going to focus and then go into that occupation. My mate's spent there student loans on alcohol mostly and irrelevant stuff, again why should we fund this Im all for higher fees, at least then people will think closely at what they want to do and work hard for it knowing its going to put them a couple K more into debt. Which will help bring the country in general out of debt. Fookin lazy layabout students.

So why should we [students] lose out on an education in higher learning just because the generations before us were **** ups? We are going to be the ones picking up the pieces long after Cameron, Clegg and Brown are gone. You say your friends haven't gone into the profession they have learnt at uni? Give them a chance, unless they've lived their entire life then I don't think you can really judge. And of corse they spend money on alcohol, do you know how boring uni is when you have nothing to do 70% of your time.. Parties and clubbing is really the only option. The only "fookin lazy layabout"'s are the dickheads who've sponged of the state and the retarded bankers who would do anything to get a big undeserved bonus over the past years.
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Student protestors have attacked a car with prince charles and camilla in, and have also set fire to trafalgar square's christmas tree. Sky News <3
for real? can't get sky news right now - other half wont turn over
Student protestors have attacked a car with prince charles and camilla in, and have also set fire to trafalgar square's christmas tree. Sky News <3

More money for the government to fork out for.
Yep, all ***** kicking off mate, shop windows have been smashed in oxford street, and theyre trying to break into the treasury. Its just a giant live version of cops with cameras.
its not on website though

aye just seen it now :$
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David Cameron is a ****. 6k a year is still cheaper then where i live. so suck it up.
Sorry, but this is not something I will support. Attacking Prince Charles and camilla's car is way OTT. So the whinging students are making things more expensive for the taxpayers. ****** :@