Capello resigns - Hodgson appointed England boss

Mike - Roy's style at West Brom has been a very defensive one. Not unsuccessful for the assets he has at his disposal but I wonder if, given a strong bunch of players, he can handle being the better team. If I'm honest I don't remember anything previous to his time at Fulham so it would be unfair for me to comment.

Zebedee - I do believe that the language barrier was a major obstacle, not in terms of getting across what he wanted from them, but in terms of motivating the players. I mean it's hard to be passionate when you have to think about every word you say. But as Mike alluded to, football fans have a habit of being stupid and I don't disagree that it isn't necessary to have an English manager. Unfortunately, though, lots of people do and that's enough for the FA to bend to their wishes and disregard anyone who isn't English.

But in my opinion it all boils down to one thing - the FA showing a lack of bottle and ambition. I firmly believe that they originally wanted Harry and for whatever reason they haven't had the nerve to go for it. And secondly they haven't had the nerve to say "sorry, we know you wanted an English manager, but we think that <whoever> is the best man for the job"

On the FA, i wholeheartedly agree that they dont have the bottle. First they go with public opinion over Harry, then they dont even have the nerve to follow it though. Farcical.
As a Scotland fan, I think this is an excellent appointment.
Our best run of recent times came under a bespectacled Swede. Twice were shades away from semi-finals. England doesnt need an English manager. Nationality does not dictate success.

I can't argue that it doesn't dictate success but I feel to get the best out of this English team you need to be able to communicate and motivate them well, show some passion etc.

The thing that worries me about Hodgson is how tactically rigid he is, we have a lot of players who would not like that.
But in my opinion it all boils down to one thing - the FA showing a lack of bottle and ambition. I firmly believe that they originally wanted Harry and for whatever reason they haven't had the nerve to go for it. And secondly they haven't had the nerve to say "sorry, we know you wanted an English manager, but we think that <whoever> is the best man for the job"

Can't disagree there. Nuts, nuts thing is that 30 years ago, Hodgson would have been a progressive and enlightened appointment and would have helped stem a lot of damage done to the English game by limiting Hughes' influence. He still has strengths to his approach to football, but the world has moved on in the meantime and we're risking enshrining yet another dogma into our national game from top to bottom at a time when we need to be looking forward twenty to thirty years.
Roy to be unveiled at 4:00 pm as new England manager.
...Why Roy Hodgson? Why? Surely Rafa is available...
...Why Roy Hodgson? Why? Surely Rafa is available...

I never want to see Rafa in charge of England manager. Yes he's an excellent manager, but you have to be realistic-the England job is a poisoned chalice. One screw up and that's it. Besides-he's better off going back to Anfield and getting the house back in order
I don't think anyone is denying Hodgson's credentials or his potential as an England manager. Where I think the criticism is coming from, or at least as far as I'm concerned, is that Redknapp is undoubtedly a better manager. I have nothing against Roy and I'm sure he'll do a great job as England manager. The thing that's annoyed me is the lack of ambition shown by the FA. Firstly, the fact that they'd have to pay out £10m to spurs to buy out Harry's contract has, whatever anybody says, been a major factor in their decision to approach Hodgson rather than Repknapp. Which is f***ing stupid after the amount we paid to get Fabio in and then out of the job. Secondly, Harry is obviously the best man for the job and, as we saw with Martin O'Neill (another stupid decision on the FA's part), Harry will never take the job now that he has been robbed of it and that is a real shame.

I assume you're English? If so, where has our sense of patriotism gone? They could appoint Neil Warnock (the f***ing anti-christ as far as I'm concerned) and provided he was the best man for the job, as Harry is, I'd be fully behind him. Screw club loyalties, it should be about the best man for the England job, and I can't see how anyone can argue that it isn't Harry Redknapp.

Redknapp's C.V is no better than Hodgson's but Hodgson has international experience and is more tactically screwed on without a doubt. He has managed Inter Milan twice and is highly regarded over there, he dealt with the pressure he got at Liverpool and lets be honest "King Kenny" isen't doing much better than he did and he has spent over £150million!!!

Can you honestly criticise his work anywhere he's managed? He took over at Pompy, Southampton and Spurs when they were all struggling and turned the clubs completely around. And on a similar note, I think the fact that he got Defoe and Crouch to follow him to Portsmouth and then back to Tottenham shows the relationship he has with his players.

And yes, I agree, he doesn't have a plan B, but when you can get your players to overperform as he does, I think that's much more important and arguably more successful than having the tactical knowledge to ask your players to go out and do a defensive job. I mean getting draws at Old Trafford or Stamford Bridge is great and all, but it means nothing in an international knock-out tournament.

That's true, the way that the media attacked Capello was inexcusable, and he did a decent job for England and his ability as a manager is irrefutable. But the fact is that his rapport with the players was awful and that can only breed failure.

And both of them clubs struggled immensely after he left with finances, he builds teams up and then leaves just before the **** hits the fan. His relationship with Defoe and Crouch means nothing, every player will have a manager they adore and will follow.

...Why Roy Hodgson? Why? Surely Rafa is available...

Hodgson is much more a safer bet, also they said they wanted an Englishman if they didn't then Hiddink would have been the best man by a country mile.
Looks like Rooney is definitely going to the Euro's then.
Looks like Rooney is definitely going to the Euro's then.

He was always going. No matter what the chances are going anywhere, leaving your best player behind is defeatism.
Such over the top criticism of the man. Is he the perfect appointment? Probably not. But he's a proud Englishmen who gives a **** and will do his best, brings with him a whole load of experience and is more tactically astute than the next best option- Redknapp. He's criticised for unattractive football, which is firstly a harsh statement in itself, West Brom have played some cracking stuff this season and played few long balls. And even if it were true, I'd rather have him playing his unattractive style and giving us a hope in **** of going somewhere, than Harry employing whatever tactical idiocy he would have chosen to subject the nation to, embarrassing us in the process.

Slagging him off achieves nothing, just get behind the team and support them. Hodgson has overachieved at numerous clubs and nations throughout his career, his Liverpool record is criticised, but then he did get the job over Kenny in the first place, had £100m+ less to spend and yet is pretty much equal with Kenny in terms of league record - hardly failure, relatively.

And I'm so used to the FA ballsing everything up by now, I don't particularly care who's the manager for the next couple of tournaments, we had a fantastic generation of footballers come through and wasted them by incompetence at the highest level. I just hope they have an actual plan for the long term future, the short term is basically a write off now. Hodgson is a relative safe, inexpensive appointment.
Such over the top criticism of the man. Is he the perfect appointment? Probably not. But he's a proud Englishmen who gives a **** and will do his best, brings with him a whole load of experience and is more tactically astute than the next best option- Redknapp. He's criticised for unattractive football, which is firstly a harsh statement in itself, West Brom have played some cracking stuff this season and played few long balls. And even if it were true, I'd rather have him playing his unattractive style and giving us a hope in **** of going somewhere, than Harry employing whatever tactical idiocy he would have chosen to subject the nation to, embarrassing us in the process.

Slagging him off achieves nothing, just get behind the team and support them. Hodgson has overachieved at numerous clubs and nations throughout his career, his Liverpool record is criticised, but then he did get the job over Kenny in the first place, had £100m+ less to spend and yet is pretty much equal with Kenny in terms of league record - hardly failure, relatively.

And I'm so used to the FA ballsing everything up by now, I don't particularly care who's the manager for the next couple of tournaments, we had a fantastic generation of footballers come through and wasted them by incompetence at the highest level. I just hope they have an actual plan for the long term future, the short term is basically a write off now. Hodgson is a relative safe, inexpensive appointment.

I am also amused when people blame the FA for Spurs' current poor run of form. It's down to the manager to make sure the player's aren't distracted and continue to do what they were doing. Hardy a good example of man management. By the sounds of it the tabloids are just upset as Ol' Cockney Cheeky Chappie won't be gaffer, so they won't get amusing quotes or gaffs etc. Roy's too smart for that sort of thing imo. Better manager got the job
I am also amused when people blame the FA for Spurs' current poor run of form. It's down to the manager to make sure the player's aren't distracted and continue to do what they were doing. Hardy a good example of man management. By the sounds of it the tabloids are just upset as Ol' Cockney Cheeky Chappie won't be gaffer, so they won't get amusing quotes or gaffs etc. Roy's too smart for that sort of thing imo. Better manager got the job

He hadnt even got the job confirmed and the knives were already out. Its a disgrace.
The press conference was a joke, you could hear the sharpening of knifes before he even walked into the room. Why keep asking questions about Redknapp?? Why ask questions about his time at Liverpool? I doubt they would have asked Redknapp questions about his time at Southampton and Pompey. It's obvious the media did not want him as manager but they will be the first ones praising him if England do well in the Euro's or World Cup. I HATE THE ******* MEDIA IN THIS COUNTRY!!!!!
He hadnt even got the job confirmed and the knives were already out. Its a disgrace.

The press conference was a joke, you could hear the sharpening of knifes before he even walked into the room. Why keep asking questions about Redknapp?? Why ask questions about his time at Liverpool? I doubt they would have asked Redknapp questions about his time at Southampton and Pompey. It's obvious the media did not want him as manager but they will be the first ones praising him if England do well in the Euro's or World Cup. I HATE THE ******* MEDIA IN THIS COUNTRY!!!!!

Good minds ay lol.
our media is pathetic. also no such thing as a perfect appointment, every appointment has risks.
The press conference was a joke, you could hear the sharpening of knifes before he even walked into the room. Why keep asking questions about Redknapp?? Why ask questions about his time at Liverpool? I doubt they would have asked Redknapp questions about his time at Southampton and Pompey. It's obvious the media did not want him as manager but they will be the first ones praising him if England do well in the Euro's or World Cup. I HATE THE ******* MEDIA IN THIS COUNTRY!!!!!

Don't even see the significance of it. 6 months of a 36 year period. 6 months of managing a club that didn't have a pot to **** in, was in turmoil from the top down and a horribly off form striker, yet achieved only 0.15 points per game less than now.