Capello resigns - Hodgson appointed England boss

Don't even see the significance of it. 6 months of a 36 year period. 6 months of managing a club that didn't have a pot to **** in, was in turmoil from the top down and a horribly off form striker, yet achieved only 0.15 points per game less than now.

Because the press didn't get who THEY wanted and are preparing to lambast him, and are probably, as we speak preparing a headline, specially for when we lose at some point, that will make reference to a vegetable
Hodgson is much more a safer bet, also they said they wanted an Englishman if they didn't then Hiddink would have been the best man by a country mile.

The fact that they only want an Englishman is ridiculous. TBH, though, we all knew they meant by that "We want Redknapp", now they will keep talking ***** about how Hodgson was their first choice, blah, blah. Idiots. The FA really are incredibly incompetent.

Hiddink is in charge of Anzhi...
The fact that they only want an Englishman is ridiculous. TBH, though, we all knew they meant by that "We want Redknapp", now they will keep talking ***** about how Hodgson was their first choice, blah, blah. Idiots. The FA really are incredibly incompetent.

Hiddink is in charge of Anzhi...

The media wanted Redknapp. The FA didn't.
The fact that they only want an Englishman is ridiculous. TBH, though, we all knew they meant by that "We want Redknapp", now they will keep talking ***** about how Hodgson was their first choice, blah, blah. Idiots. The FA really are incredibly incompetent.

Hiddink is in charge of Anzhi...

The FA didn't say anything from day one though, lets be honest the media jumped on the Redknapp bandwagon and then the fans decided that this must be the only choice. I hate the FA more than most but genuinly believe Roy was their first choice, look at his C.V and Redknapp's C.V and there is only one winner for this job. Hiddink was still un-employed when Capello resigned.
The media wanted Redknapp. The FA didn't.

The FA didn't say anything from day one though, lets be honest the media jumped on the Redknapp bandwagon and then the fans decided that this must be the only choice. I hate the FA more than most but genuinly believe Roy was their first choice, look at his C.V and Redknapp's C.V and there is only one winner for this job. Hiddink was still un-employed when Capello resigned.

My god we are one today lol.
The Sun is a pro Redknapp paper. I think he has his own column, quite impressive for a man that can't read or write!

But still. It's just openly mocking him for no reason, shameful journalism.

Also comes from the paper who ran a whole advertising campaign in 2010 about backing England.
Old article, but a good one on our press and their relationship with the England manager: When Saturday Comes - The Half Decent Football Magazine - Reckless Eriksson

Don't blame any manager (club or country) who lays down the law and tells the press where to go. Actively encourage it when it's deserved too. Might be something which some may not have really noticed before, but it's been going on for a long time. There's two ways to play it - get friendly and have a love-in or tell them where to go. Hodgson should be worried that even his 'friends' (like Henry Winter) are already sharpening their knives. Contrary to the belief in some quarters, he's actually exceptionally prickly and snide when he's in the spotlight and not getting softball questions.
Old article, but a good one on our press and their relationship with the England manager: When Saturday Comes - The Half Decent Football Magazine - Reckless Eriksson

Don't blame any manager (club or country) who lays down the law and tells the press where to go. Actively encourage it when it's deserved too. Might be something which some may not have really noticed before, but it's been going on for a long time. There's two ways to play it - get friendly and have a love-in or tell them where to go. Hodgson should be worried that even his 'friends' (like Henry Winter) are already sharpening their knives. Contrary to the belief in some quarters, he's actually exceptionally prickly and snide when he's in the spotlight and not getting softball questions.

Daniel Taylor has been at it in the Guardian too. Basically as far as I can tell, every journalist who went for Redknapp has decided, rather than realise they were wrong, to stick the knife in. What is nice to see though is the across the various articles, all the below the line comments have then let rip at Taylor and other hacks. Despite what the papers are running, seems Roy has a fair amount of support from the public, they are at the very least sympathetic to the task he has ahead, and suprisingly few are disappointed in not having Redknapp. A lot of ire being thrown the hacks by the public it seems.
Man, they should've just let Pearce run things until Euro is done. He has experience from plenty of tournaments, and for those of you who keep believing that "passion" matters for manager, he propably has enough to fuel several national teams and would still have some spare extra. Seriously, no self-respecting manager woulld participate in a farce that is "taking over" month before major tournament, because that's just NOT enough time to do anything. Its not. As it is, the squad will be propably decicied by senior players if you are lucky, and decided by transfer managers trying to promote their players if you are unlucky. Thats about it.

I write this with all respect to Hodgson, because i don't think he is a "bad* manager. But you can be clap your yap about his record, and this and that, all you want. The only thing to say would be - go and take a **** look at Capello's record, and talk to me again about how Hodgson is worthy of something more then picking up balls which fly behind the goal. Capello has delivered success , at top level, in every country he's worked at in last 20 years, how does Hodgson compare to that? Get ******* real, will you?

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Man, they should've just let Pearce run things until Euro is done. He has experience from plenty of tournaments, and for those of you who keep believing that "passion" matters for manager, he propably has enough to fuel several national teams and would still have some spare extra. Seriously, no self-respecting manager woulld participate in a farce that is "taking over" month before major tournament, because that's just NOT enough time to do anything. Its not. As it is, the squad will be propably decicied by senior players if you are lucky, and decided by transfer managers trying to promote their players if you are unlucky. Thats about it.

I write this with all respect to Hodgson, because i don't think he is a "bad* manager. But you can be clap your yap about his record, and this and that, all you want. The only thing to say would be - go and take a **** look at Capello's record, and talk to me again about how Hodgson is worthy of something more then picking up balls which fly behind the goal. Capello has delivered success , at top level, in every country he's worked at in last 20 years, how does Hodgson compare to that? Get ******* real, will you?

First as a mod, watch your language.

Not really sure who you are telling to get real here. Capello is gone, nothing can change that. Thanks to the FA he isnt coming back, so you make do with what you got. Which is Hodgson, who may not be Capello but still has a venerable record.

Also yes he has little time for this one, but he has 4 years, what it does to is basically give him a free pass at this one, since one is expecting anything, while still aiming at 2014 and 2016

Also no one is talking about passion, no has done. IN fact the only two things that have been dicussed are the merits of tactics and man management, when comparing Redknapp and Hodgson.

All in all, your post is very strange and very out of context when compared to what has been said.
Well, yeah, i honestly apologise if i seem to post out of context, i've been been reading this one since it started, but its hardly possible to adress 40 pages with one post.

I just think debating manager records is beside the point at this time, Capello had one, Hodgson, in comparison, does not. The only reasonable thing to do would be keeping Pearce as temporary manager , at least he is sort of in the loop, and has more personal experience at top level national football than any of the current players. With how very little time remains till Euro, appointing someone else , and i mean anyone else at this point, is just blowing in the wind.

Lastly, nope. A lot of people seem to think "passion" is a factor. Specifically whether "native" manager being naturallly passionate towards his country can have impact on team performance. X or Y or Z will have a passion towards our team and it will somehow carry us. Nope. This sort of stuff can maybe carry high schoolers at best. Otherwise if you don't have passion for sport you don't make it to top level regardless of where you're from.
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Well, yeah, i honestly apologise if i seem to post out of context, i've been been reading this since one since it started, but its hardly possible to adress 40 pages with one post.

I just think debating manager records is beside the point at this time, Capello had one, Hodgson, in comparison, does not. The only reasonable thing to do would be keeping Pearce as temporary manager , at least he is sort of in the loop, and has more personal experience at top level national football than any of the current players. Appointing someone else , and i really mean anyone else at this point, is just blowing in the wind.

Lastly, nope. A lot of people seem to think "passion" is a factor. Specifically whether "native" manager being naturallly passionate towards his country can have impact on team performance. X or Y or Z will have a passion towards our team and it will somehow carry us. Nope. This sort of stuff can maybe carry high schoolers at best. Otherwise if you don't have passion for sport you don't make it to top level regardless of where you're from.

Hodgson is a better choice than Pearce.

And debating isnt past the post, especially as we were not talking about Capello. We were talking about the two present choices. Capello's record is irrelevant now as he is longer a viable choice.

And no since Roy was announced, no one has talked about passion.

There has been no debate about passion or Capello, just Hodgson vs Redknapp.

You are confusing one debate with another