Got a lot of PM's from people who love the 3 strikers tactic (without screens). Hope I can see some more screens in the future!
Really good madnessapa, keep it up!
Of course I'm at work and cant show any screenshots either

But at the moment I'm testing several (ok, just 3 actually) tactics to see what I like the best and wanna "build" from, and so far the 3ST-tactic is my favourite (in the mix are also Supermikes and of course nxt5)..
Took it through 13 games with Atalanta giving me 28 points (8-4-1), beating Juventus 3-1 on the way.. Currently trying with Southampton, which so far have given me 13 points in 5 matches (4-1-0) taking down both Tottenham and Liverpool with ease..
Defense is actually pretty solid for a 3ST-tactics, and in general i just like the tactical approach which reminds me of the good times in FM2012

Will test some more during the weekend and post some screens