ChristianEriksen - Beautiful play

hi there why not open up a new thread for the 4-4-2?? that way we don't get loads of cross overs on questions and answers?? 4-4-2 my fav tactic so hope its a good 1 haha great work btw you've made football manager playable again!!!!! I recently went on a 10 game run of not conceding a goal using your v19 with a tweak or 2 and your right people need to have little plays around and make certain tweaks, some work and some don't but if you don't try you'll never know........
Have you changed anything mate?

Standard instructions for team and players.

Only 2 changes: swapped AML and AMR roles - Winger on left and Inside Forward on right. This is because Man Utd have such good left footers.

Sometimes I play with 2 Inside Forwards depending on the main foot of the players I use but often have Rooney at AMR as Inside Forward and he is still doing well (stats dropping fast).

Also moved the CM with Attacking mentality to right - don't think that matters but maybe.

Have started every game on Control, once I am up 2 or 3 goals change to Counter. Or move to counter in tough away games if opponents are on top for first 20 minutes.

If opponents are playing long balls during game I change 'Press Higher' to 'Drop Deeper' and remove 'Offside trap.

This season I have been making more use of Team Talks during game - either demand more if not playing well and most games 'Concentrate' assertively later in games.

Pre-game team talk always the same: start with Assistant (Tassoti) and then for anyone who doesn't respond: Calmly; I have faith.

Post-game win: Calmly or Passionately; Well played
Post-game draw: Assertively or Angry; Disappointing

Half-time talks more dependent on score, opponents reputation and performance. NEVER, EVER listen to your *** Man if he tells you to say nothing. Will demotivate at least one player.
If I put the RMP of the 4231 formation in MC line would that destroy the whole tactic?


In the next couple of hours I am going to make a full new OP make-over. In this make-over I will post some new tactics and new formations. I am going to upload a new 442 formation, a new 4231 formation (it's not the same as some of you have tested in the latest days) and I am focussing at an 433 tactic with 3 strikers.

And I now know that some of you are going to ask..
What is the best tactic? etc.
When do I have to use what version? etc.

Then you haven't read the OP!

Looks good. Have u tried the 3 striker tactic a lot mate?
Using xv package and seem to keep drawing.....:( Probs my rubbish management. I have only lost 3 times against top 6 opp (Man city, Spurs and Liverpool).
Will keep at it and see if I can improve coz I enjoy the tactics and the football they play. I'm Southampton btw. Only Balanta, Lopes and Kranevitter in and Yoshida out. Other than that its the original team.

I'm using your tactic since the V10.

I'm with Leeds (the game was a little modified in order to inject some money).

I tweaked a (VERY, VERY) little bit your V20 to feet with my team.

The results (for the moment) :

View attachment 310933

The team and the tactic (the tweak is the same on DROP, PRESS and HOLD) :

View attachment 310929

And the positions that I have tweaked a little bit :

View attachment 310927
View attachment 310925
View attachment 310924

Hope that this will continue. The only thing that I can say is that I haven't more that possession but I shot always a lot ^^.

If you want some stats from the matchs I have played I can do that :)

Thanks !
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Please show me your results, lads! :)
Don't forget to mention which tactic you are using..

I am using the 442 with my PARIS FC. Got an average start because of 8 (!) players went to the Olympic Games. Players returned after the Bordeaux game.

View attachment 310880

when we change the IF role to WING, do we need to change the players instructions as well?? or just change the roles??
i'll try to do by myself but i'm bad. the "default" set piece from your tactics isn't working.
Using xv package and seem to keep drawing.....:( Probs my rubbish management. I have only lost 3 times against top 6 opp (Man city, Spurs and Liverpool).
Will keep at it and see if I can improve coz I enjoy the tactics and the football they play. I'm Southampton btw. Only Balanta, Lopes and Kranevitter in and Yoshida out. Other than that its the original team.

I have the exact same problem, more specifically, my I loose/draw because of late goals, even though I switch to the "Hold"-tactic when ahead and around the 80th minute mark, come to think about it, perhaps I shouldn't.

As seen from the analysis screen, I tend to score most goals in the start of the match, and let the most in during the end:
View attachment 310752

For reference, this is my setup (only change is fullbacks instead of wingbacks):
View attachment 310751View attachment 310749

A couple of match screens to show what i mean:
View attachment 310748View attachment 310747View attachment 310746View attachment 310745

This is really the only thing that needs addressing in an otherwise great tactic.
how can i see on the scout report if they prefer longballs or short passing?? hope someone can explain it for me so i understand =) thanks in advice