ChristianEriksen - Beautiful play

How do you tell prematch if the opposition plays long or shot passing style?

Look at your scouts team report, it says goal assist types, something like pass, cross, long ball, opposition mistakes
Ill screenshot it for you in a sec (just saving game)
Here we go, I didn't understand it at first
You need scout set on next opposition and you should get this news item

View attachment 305227

If you don't get the news item you can go to: opponents home page - team reports - senior squad - goals - goal assists

And obviously they aren't going to have 20 long ball goals and 2 passes, but if they have a decent percentage then I drop
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Hi Christian...i need to ask you...I really need very good tactic..Im playing for Chelsea and i need 4231 tactic and second i need 433 tactic....Can you recommend me your best tactic? (and which version v24,v23 or i dont know)
Hi ChristianEriksen,

Very good tactics, but i have a problem.

I need to play with a 4-2-3-1 tactic because otherwise I'm very good players who have not played their job predilection.

Could you please you we create a new tactic but 4-2-3-1?

Thank you in advance for your help.
Look at your scouts team report, it says goal assist types, something like pass, cross, long ball, opposition mistakes
Ill screenshot it for you in a sec (just saving game)
Here we go, I didn't understand it at first
You need scout set on next opposition and you should get this news item

View attachment 761767

If you don't get the news item you can go to: opponents home page - team reports - senior squad - goals - goal assists

And obviously they aren't going to have 20 long ball goals and 2 passes, but if they have a decent percentage then I drop

Hey mate, can you give me the name of that skin please? I'm sick of dark..
can you use this tactic in classic mode? i just cant seem to make it load
I tried the V24, and loving it. altough any ideas on anchor man? as I'm not found of this role.
I tried the V24, and loving it. altough any ideas on anchor man? as I'm not found of this role.

CE encourages experimentation with the likes of roles, so definitely try alternate roles. Although it does look like using an Anchor Man is likely key to the defensive stability here - there are two very attacking CM roles, two fairly attack WB roles, and both wingers are on attack. I would probably move it to Defensive Mid on defend, or maybe DLP on Defend is you have a creative passing player for the spot. going to a BWM seems dangerous to me, but I'm not overly fond on the BWM role, so....


In the next couple of hours I am going to make a full new OP make-over. In this make-over I will post some new tactics and new formations. I am going to upload a new 442 formation, a new 4231 formation (it's not the same as some of you have tested in the latest days) and I am focussing at an 433 tactic with 3 strikers.

And I now know that some of you are going to ask..
What is the best tactic? etc.
When do I have to use what version? etc.

Then you haven't read the OP!

Where can I download the 442 and the 4231 tactic from, looked everywhere but couldn't find it?
Use V24 !
View attachment 304812


It was only an illusion...

Try another tatctis..
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