I just ran a quick test with Leicester with V19 cause I wanted to see if it was just with my team who was overperforming to compensate for the tactic but no V19 still works perfectly fine. You need to tweak for your squad though. Here are my suggestions :
Look at your wingers, are they IF's or W's? Set accordingly!
And also your striker. Is he a good dribbler? Leave as F9. Is he better at creating? Set as DLF Support. Good at both? DLF Attack. If you do set him to attack I would suggest having the two MC's on auto though just to keep the balance in terms of duties.
Team talks, be demanding. Be a Fergie type, Assertive and aggressive are your friends. Be lenient away from home. Leading 1-0 at HT? Be Calm and praise. Leading by more? Be Passionate! Always praise the win accordingly but if you're Liverpool and you won 1-0 at home to Leicester then yeah I'd be Assertive "You got away with that...".